Congregational Vote THIS SUNDAY to approve the
2019 Settled Senior Minister Pulpit Committee Slate
The Church Council thanks the many dedicated individuals who were willing to
serve First United in the process of search and call for our next settled
Senior Minister. We sought to reflect representative characteristics and
constituencies within our community in this final slate, unanimously approved
by Council on November 19th. These include age, gender, denominational
affiliation, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender Identity, occupation
(town/gown), and length of time in the church community. We also considered
expressed commitment and expressed scheduling concerns for this important and
demanding process. We ask for your support of these individuals and pray for
God’s love, strength, and guidance as we continue following The Way of Jesus.
Laurie Eynon Heather Farmer Ralph Gaebler
Sandra Hendricks Bob Ivie Rebecca Nunley
Sara Ivey Lucas
Ted Wininger
Don Wooldridge
Byron Bangert Jennifer Duann
Fultz Norm
Overly Pam Potter
Candlelight Carols – Service and Dessert Reception
December 8 at 6:00pm
Please join us for our annual Advent celebration service on Sunday evening, December 8 at 6pm. A dessert reception will immediately follow the service. We are asking for folks to bring desserts to share at the reception. There is a dessert sign-up sheet outside of Fellowship Hall
and it is not too late to add your name to it. In addition, after the morning service (and congregational meeting) on December 8, we are asking for assistance to move tables in the Fellowship Hall in preparation for the evening reception.
Mitten Tree for Shalom’s Clients who are Homeless: Help cover the Christmas tree in the narthex with items to keep a person warm outdoors (either new or gently used): hats, mittens, gloves, scarves, coats, blankets, socks, boots or cold-weather shoes. We’ll be collecting these items throughout the month of December and donating them to our homeless friends/neighbors at Shalom Community Center. Feel free to take an ornament from the tree if it helps you remember. There is no need to wrap anything. All adult sizes, both for men and women, are needed, however, men’s large and extra-large sizes are especially needed. (from the Outreach Board – Kim Albright, Sandy Keller, Dave Meyer, Rebecca Nunley, Cindy Stone, and Cleve Wilhoit)
Tuesday Morning Discussion
The Tuesday Morning group will finish our current video series on Dec. 17th. Due to holidays we will not be meeting on Dec. 24th or Dec. 31st. Our first meeting in the New Year will be on Jan.7th, when we will decide on our next video series. If you are free from 10 to 11:30 am on Tuesdays, we hope you can join us! Please see Derek Roe with questions.
Applause! Applause! Applause! The Harvest InGathering, delivered to Monroe County United Ministries’ (MCUM) food pantry on 11/25, really hit the mark! A total of 752 lbs of food and personal hygiene items were delivered to support people facing a crisis situation. MCUM staff members told us that their food pantry supplies were running low, and the big influx of food right before Thanksgiving was GREATLY appreciated. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
NOTE: People face crises year-round, and MCUM’s food pantry is a support to allow people and families up to 3 months of food while they get their feet back under them. First United supports this important non-profit by collecting and delivering non-perishable food and personal hygiene items to MCUM on the first Sunday of each month. ADD an on-going item to your shopping list. PUT a reminder on your calendar. SET UP a notification to remind you. BRING something each month to help our neighbors in need. -The Board of Outreach
Reverse Advent!
This Advent First United invites you to support our neighbors in need by reversing the usual tradition and donating a cleaning or hygiene item for each day of Advent. All donated items will be given to the MCUM Self-Sufficiency Center, which serves at-risk families and individuals in Monroe County. Please see Derek Roe with questions. Thank you for your generosity! We intend to deliver the supplies after December 22nd. MCUM’s cleaning and hygiene needs at this time are:
Shampoo/ Deodorant Toothpaste Household cleaning liquids Conditioner Bar soap or bodywash Toothbrushes Household cleaning supplies Diapers (all sizes)
December Communion Services.
This year First United will have two communion services in December. On December 1st during the Worship Service, and as part of the Christmas Eve service on December 24th. Everyone is welcome.
Minister Of Care For The Week Of December 8, Is Susan H. Bassett. A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.