by Lisa Stanger | Mar 15, 2019 | Sunday Announcements
POT LUCK SUNDAYS. Third Sunday Potlucks are almost always on third Sundays in 2019. Plan to bring a dish to share and to stay after worship service on March 17, and April 14. We’ll eat in Fellowship Hall shortly after the service ends. SHARING POETRY,...
by Lisa Stanger | Mar 4, 2019 | Uncategorized
From March 3, 2019: Rev. Dr. Jack Skiles
by Lisa Stanger | Mar 1, 2019 | Sunday Announcements
SECOND SPIRITUALITY FORUM: “Evolution, Life and Spirituality” Speaker: Dr. David Dilcher, Place: Roger Williams Hall Join us in a monthly conversation to share your unique experiences and perspective on spirituality in your daily life. At each meeting, an invited...