
We consider “youth” to be people in sixth through twelfth grade. Youth are a vital part of our congregation and are invited to participate at all levels. We love to have youth serve communion, read Scripture, serve as ushers, teach younger children, volunteer in the nursery, help with coffee hour, and more. To read more about youth events, check out our events page.
Sunday Activities for Youth
Youth are welcome and invited to participate in the 9am Off-Topic Scripture Circle and in the 10:30am worship service. Youth are always welcome to serve as ushers and scripture readers.
Baptism and Confirmation
First United provides a confirmation/baptism experience for children who have reached the age at which they are ready to do in-depth study about what it means to follow the way of Christ and be a part of a Christian community. For more information about this, please contact Pastor Jessica.
Want to volunteer to work with our youth?
All volunteers who work with children and youth are required to complete a screening process which includes a criminal background check. Volunteers renew their applications every three years. We also review our Youth Protection Policy with all volunteers. If you’d like to work with our children, please download an application form and turn it in to the church office.