STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN–?Challenge Your Commitment.??The 2016 Stewardship Campaign begins on Sunday, October 4 and continues through October 25.?? Reflect on all the good things the First United Church community does and all the ways this church touches people. Good plans require good budgets?and knowing how much we will have next year is critical to the budget process. We ask you to assess your own position for next year and ?Challenge Your Commitment.? Complete the pledge card, and drop it in the offering plate or mail it to the Church office. Pledge cards and return envelopes will be mailed out soon, but there will be more available at the Church throughout October.

For those who have pledged before, consider increasing your support by 3 per cent. For those who have never pledged before, consider starting this year, understanding that the amount is far less significant than the commitment to give. Remember the words of Matthew 6:21?? For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.?

If you have any questions about the Stewardship Campaign, please contact Tim Morrison at