There’s a children’s song that says, “The church is not a building. The church is not a steeple. The church is not a resting place. The church is the people.”
It takes a great deal of people power to make this place work. If you’re looking for a way to become more involved at First United Church and provide ongoing support to this community of faith, we would be thankful for your help.
Help on Sunday Mornings
Volunteers from the congregation are vital to Sunday worship. Members and visitors are invited to usher, greet visitors, serve or set up for communion, read Scripture, help host coffee hour, sing in the choir, ring bells, set up for baptisms, tend the water in the blessing bowl, and provide flowers for Sunday morning services.
Contact our Board of Worship to sign up or indicate your interest.
Teach Adults and Children
The Board of Christian Education is always looking for caring adults to work with our children and youth or to teach a short-term adult class. You can sign up to teach once a month. You can be a lead teacher or a helper. You can work with our youth group. We also welcome ideas and leaders for Sunday morning and weekday adult classes.
Contact our Board of Christian Education for more information.
Tend Our Property
Work days happen throughout the year, and we hope you’ll watch the announcements for these special opportunities to care for our building and grounds. In the warm months, we need weekly volunteers to mow our expansive property. (You get to use a fancy riding mower!)
Contact the Board of Building and Grounds for more information.
Office Support
There are opportunities to help with administrative tasks like tracking attendance, editing our newsletter, assisting with mailings, purchasing supplies, serving as one of our financial officers, and more.
Contact our office manager for more information.