Have you been attending for a while?
Everyone gets used to a new church differently. Some people know immediately, This is the place for me! and jump right in. Others may visit off and on for a long time before they start to feel at home. We want to help you feel comfortable at whatever pace feels right to you. If you feel like you want to explore life at First United outside the pew you’ve been occupying, the ideas below might help you get moving:
- Come to coffee hour after worship! It’s a great way to meet people.
- Sign up to help with worship: read Scripture, usher, greet, help serve communion.
- Take the plunge, and ask for a name tag. You can make a note requesting one on the sign-in sheet during worship.
- Make sure you’re on the mailing list so you’ll get updates about what’s going on at First United. If we have your e-mail address, we can invite you to one of our quarterly welcoming dinners. You can e-mail our Office Manager or leave your info on one of the sign-in sheets during worship.
- Consider joining the choir or the bell choir.
- Come to Sunday School. There are classes for adults at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday.
- Bring food donations or paper products for Monroe County United Ministries (MCUM) for our monthly donation.
- Follow our Facebook page.
- Find a way to give back: teach a class, volunteer for one of the church boards, be a Minister of Care.
- E-mail our ministers to set up a casual conversation over coffee.
How do I join? Why would I want to?
If you’ve been attending for a while, you’ve noticed that we don’t have altar calls, and the ministers don’t show up at your door, begging you to become a member. We love new members; we just want you to feel free to make that commitment when it feels right to you.
What does it mean to become a member of First United Church? Basically, you are saying in a public way, “This is my place. These are my people. I want to learn, serve, grow, and be challenged alongside you.” We do not require you to believe a certain way or go through specific procedures. If you have not been baptized but wish to be, we would be honored to be a part of that ritual with you.
Our congregation makes significant decisions via congregational vote. Once you become a member, you’re able to vote. And here’s a fun fact: non-members can serve on many of our church committees and boards, so if you were holding off on joining because you don’t want to be asked to serve on a committee, you’re out of luck!
When you feel like you want to be a part of us, just contact one of the ministers. We’d be happy to meet with you, get to know you, and answer any questions you have. Then we’ll pick a Sunday to make it official. You’ll be introduced during worship and enjoy a multitude of smiling faces welcoming you as a member of First United Church.