Welcome to the first edition of Monday Musings. I envision this as a weekly missile that I and others will write in the coming months to share news and views of our lives within this faith community of First United Church of Bloomington. Your responses and comments will always be appreciated.
As I begin my first week with you, I want you to know that this congregation is very dear to me. Although I have served churches in the UCC Indiana-Kentucky Conference since 1968, my connections have mainly been limited to the northern half of Indiana. When we retired to Greenfield in 2003, I began to become more acquainted with the rest of the state. This was especially true when I served among you as your Interim Minister from 2004 to 2006. You have been very special ever since, as individuals, and as a community of faith.
We now have some work to do. As your pastoral search committee continues its work to identify the person who will join you in shaping your communal life as your pastor, we will seek to prepare ourselves as a congregation for this new beginning.
This will be an awkward time as long as “social distancing” is the most prudent way to lessen the dangers of COVID–19. We are experiencing a time of disruption and dislocation as we use social media as substitutes for face to face, person to person interactions. I know this has been a harrowing time for many people, the uncertainties of health and jobs and relationships, so many plans now no longer possible. If I or other staff members can be helpful to any of you, be in touch. My phone numbers are 317-467-1529 and 317-498-0710. Email is john_krueger425@comcast.net.
I look forward to the time when we can again gather as a worshipping community in our building, renewing friendships, resuming meetings and gatherings, engaging in the work that is before us. The good work we do now will greatly enhance our ability to welcome a new pastor into a faith community ready and eager to explore where God’s Spirit is leading us. As Jesus People we seek to become the loving, forgiving, hope-filled people God needs to bless us and to bless our world. Peace, John Krueger