The First United Church Music Ministry is pleased to present a diverse selection of hymns and anthems this Easter season as we move throughout this time of celebration.
For two of the Sundays of Easter, the vocal choir is focused on expanding the canon as we know it in sacred music. On Easter Sunday, we are proud to present the music of Amy Beach, a prolific American composer whose music has been much overlooked until recently due to the barriers surrounding music composition and the role of women in the canon. The same can be said about our third selection for the season, a setting of “Praise the Lord” by African-American composer Florence Price. Price’s music has recently gained some traction in the wider world of classical music, but still has a ways to go. Additionally, this director of music will always feel biased towards Price, as she is a fellow Arkansan.
The second Sunday of Easter will feature the Bell Choir playing Michael Mazzatenta’s “Ringing Victoriously,” a perfect celestial piece of celebration for the impending eclipse the very next day. Our hymn selections that day will also reflect that sentiment.
Finally, to close out the year for the music ministry, the vocal choir will present a beautiful setting of the psalm for the day: “The Lord is my shepherd” by John Rutter.
We hope you enjoy these, along with many classic hymns of the season, as we welcome warmer weather and brighter times ahead. Happy Easter.
Eric Meincke – Music Director