What a glorious couple of weeks we’ve had at First United.
The sanctuary is decked out in a most beautiful way for Advent. Those of us who were able to attend the Candlelight and Carols service as well as the Sunday morning worship service yesterday were wowed by the awesome musical talents of our children. We even had a new song taught to us by an a young person and his mother as they lit our third candle. Pastor Jessica’s sermons the past two Sundays in particular have really put me in the space and experience of Mary the Mother of Jesus and John the Baptizer, for example. I’m so grateful for all these messages and musical gifts that challenge and uplift me.
Next Sunday is a really important one too. After worship, we will have a congregational meeting at which time we will review and vote on the First United Church budget for 2023. Your presence and participation in this meeting is critical: we need 47 members to attend in order to conduct business. If you are out of town or staying at home, feel free to dial in by Zoom. If you can’t attend the Worship service proper, please try to dial-in at about 11:30 am when we will count members for the quorum.
Issues regarding budget and governance are certainly not the most exciting part of church (well, Kyle and I think they are fun!), but they are vital. As members you have a voice, and we want to hear yours!
With Warm Love at Christmas,
Rebecca Keith
rekeith@iu.edu or (812) 325-0145