First United Church is an inclusive community of Christian faith, living out the good news of God’s love, revealed in Jesus the Christ.
Our Purpose (Why We Exist)
To empower, challenge, and encourage one another to live out the ways of Jesus (rooted in compassion, truth, and justice) authentically as human beings in community to create a better world
Our Values (Guiding Principles)
- Community of love and acceptance
- Faith and the teachings of Jesus: truth, justice, peace
- Openness and diversity
- Seeking creative expression of our faith
- Living our faith through service to humanity and world
Our Mission (What We Do)
We affirm the ministry gifts of every individual. We believe that each of us is endowed with God-given gifts for ministry to others, and we encourage each other to discover and share those gifts.
We encourage spiritual growth in people of all ages. From the earliest years of childhood through the elder years of our lives, we celebrate the journey of faith. A deepening and widening relationship with God is a capacity we all share and a source of personal fulfillment. We seek to provide spiritual nurturing for all who come our way.
We celebrate our faith in meaningful worship. We acknowledge the presence of God in our lives and nurture a growing awareness of God by gathering for weekly services of worship. Through song and prayer, through silence and the spoken word, through gathering at the communion table of Christ, we remember that we are children of God and learn to follow the way of Jesus.
We support one another in Christian community. In grief and joy, in sadness and celebration, we are here for each other. Our lives are richer when we live in the company of faithful friends.
We minister to our neighbors and care for creation. Members of First United Church respond to the needs of our community and the troubles of the world. Gathering food for the poor; serving meals to the homeless; volunteering at a thrift shop; advocating for peace, social justice, and environmental responsibility; our church provides opportunities for you to make a difference in the world around you.
We invite all people to hear and receive the Christian message of God’s love. As a community of Christian faith, we faithfully proclaim the good news of God’s love revealed in Jesus the Christ. We celebrate our Christian heritage, honor and respect all religious traditions, and seek to follow in the footsteps of Jesus amid the challenges of today.