Youth Group Kickoff! SUNDAY!

All students in grades 6 through 12 are invited to help kick off a new year of the Youth Group! The kickoff party will be in Roger Williams Hall, from 12:15 to 2 p.m.

There will be pizza, games, and door prizes! Vegetarian and vegan options will be available, as always.  Bring your friends!

Please see Derek Roe with questions, or email him at

A Shower for First United Church!  
Please join us after church on Sunday, September 29 for a celebration of what our church offers to young families and the launch of an effort to bring in even more! Consider supporting a reinvestment in our programs and spaces for young children with a gift from our wish lists, a monetary donation toward some of the bigger ticket needs, and/or your enthusiasm and prayers. See the display by Fellowship Hall for more information. We hope you can join us!

Target Wish List:

Amazon Wish List:

Church Nursery. Our long-time nursery worker, Maddie Potter, will be leaving the nursery at the end of September. We will miss her and are very grateful for the care she has provided in the nursery! We are seeking an adult to fill this part-time position. If interested in applying or if you know someone who is interested, please reach out to Molly Koontz or email 

Free Korean Yoga (Kuksundo) Class. KukSunDo is a traditional Korean yoga and meditation for the mind, body, and spirit. Just bring your yoga mat.

Days, Time and Place:

Monday, Friday 9:30 – 11:00a.m., Wednesday 5:30 – 7:00p.m., Saturday 10:00 – 11:30a.m., Roger Williams Hall in First United Church Questions? Contact YouShin Choi,

New Class Forming

The Christian Roots of Antisemitism and the Holocaust: An Historical Review of a Relevant and Timely Topic. A 6-week group discussion facilitated by Scott Callaghan, MSW, LCSW, M.Div.

Tuesdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and November 5, 6:30pm at First United Church. Room#:TBD. If interested, contact Scott: 260.413.0966 or

Picnic at Fowler Pumpkin Patch

The Board of Christian Education has reserved space at Fowler Pumpkin Patch on October 19th from 4:00 to 7:00 pm for fun and fellowship.  We will make s’mores over a campfire and have access to the farm and petting zoo.  Hayrides will be available for $5 a person, and free for children under three.  Feel free to bring a dish to share!  We can’t “cook out,” but can bring our own things to eat.  Food vendors may also be available.  The address is 4932 N. Greene County Line Rd, Bloomington, IN 47403.  All are welcome.  We hope you’ll join us!

Next month’s Third Sunday Potluck on October 20 will also be used as a Newcomer Event.  New or relatively newcomers to our church are welcome to go through the potluck line first and then head to Roger Williams Hall where they will meet each other, Pastor Monica, representatives of our Boards and some members of the Committee for Community Development.  Pastor Monica and the old-timers will answer questions and trot you through some hand-outs we have for you, hopefully explaining more about First United Church.  We very much hope you can come.  

Minister Of Care For The Week Of September 22 Is Sarah Burton.  A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.