Updates on First United Operations and Activities
As always Pastor John Krueger is available for conversation and consultation: john.krueger425@gmail.com or h: 317-467-1529/ c: 317-498-0710.
From the COVID-19 Task Force: Sunday church services and most meetings will continue virtually into the fall. We encourage outdoor activities (less than 15 participants) while the weather is good.
Drive-In/Outdoor Vesper Service September 27th
Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 27th at 5:00pm for an opportunity to worship (distantly) together in person. Rev. Krueger will offer a 30-minute evening vesper service from the First United grounds. You will be able to participate from your car while listening to a special radio channel, or bring a lawn chair and sit outside. More details to come next week. Rain date Sunday, October 4th at 5pm.
Looking for ways to connect in person? First United Needs YOU
Are you yearning to talk with people in person? The Board of Worship is seeking people who are interested in meeting in small groups, either for fellowship or a particular purpose – guided meditation, prayer circle, stand-up-comedy practice? If this sounds like you, please contact Elizabeth Busey (ebusey@yahoo.com) or Siri Loescher (sannloescher@gmail.com) so we can help you get a gathering started while the weather is still fine.
Tuesday, September 22 is National Voter Registration Day—exactly 6 weeks before Election Day.
Outreach has partnered with local organizations to bring you a Voter Registration Booth this Tuesday from 10-5 at My Sister’s Closet. Stop by to register to vote and get great discounts on clothes in a safe outdoor setting with masks and lots of hand sanitizer! We still need volunteers for 1-hour shifts. Voter Registration via Zoom sessions are also available throughout the month of September. Spread the word! Contact Rebecca for more details reblea99@gmail.com
Racial Justice Book Club The newly-formed Racial Justice Book Club reads and discusses a different book related to racial justice each month. We will discuss Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility on Saturday, September 26th, from 2-3:30 over Zoom. Contact Don Wooldridge at dontylw@gmail.com for more information.
Progressive Christianity Series Tuesdays 6:30—8 p.m.
September 29, October 27, December 1
From your laptop or computer https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8305475285
Session 2 – September 29: “What is Progressive Christianity, Socially
& Ethically Speaking?”
Session 3 – October 27: “What Might Characterize Progressive
Christianity in Worship?”
Session 4 – December 1: “Tenets of the Faith in Progressive Christian
Format: Zoom meetings, 30 minute presentation by Byron Bangert, with discussion.
Formation of a Racial Justice Working Group at First United
The Boards of Outreach and Christian Education are partnering to form a racial justice working group, focusing on how we can respond meaningfully as individuals and as a faith community to systemic racism. All are welcome, and we especially encourage participation from minority voices, whether as a member of this group or as someone willing to offer suggestions for improvement. Contact Rebecca Nunley (reblea99@gmail.com) or Don Wooldridge (dontylw@gmail.com) if you are interested in joining this initiative, or if you have any questions or concerns.
If you have a relationship with First United Church, you may apply for assistance for economic hardship caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Contact Sharon McCann at 1041sharon@gmail.com for an application form and instructions to apply for Covid-19-related assistance.
ZOOM LISTENING SESSIONS THURSDAY, OCT. 1 (7 p.m.) and TUESDAY, OCT 6 (2 p.m.) In preparation to welcome Pastor Jessica this fall, our UCC and ABC Conferences are hosting small-group listening opportunities to share joys, hopes, and dreams, as well as concerns, for our ministry together. Signup information to follow.
We depend on your sustained giving in this difficult time. If you can, please maintain, or consider increasing your regular giving, to support our work. Options for giving include:
- mail (checks strongly preferred)
- online giving at https://tinyurl.com/GiveFirstUnited
- by phone at 1-800-675-7430 [account ID is ES799783 (First United Church, Inc.)].
- by text: 812-432-2002
VIRTUAL COMMUNITY OFFERINGS Our work as a caring community continues on Zoom through Sunday worship and lectionary study, and Tuesday’s Virtual Café and Adult Study class. Please visit https://firstuc.org/online/
JOIN US FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP!! at 10:30am. Log in to Zoom at 10am.
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 946 3570 8633
Password: 879535
OFF TOPIC SCRIPTURE CIRCLE (formerly Lectionary Discussion)
Want to read and discuss the week’s scripture readings with friends before church in a casual setting where you will never be asked to leave your brain or your heart at the door? We have the place for you! Click below to join us, Sunday mornings 9-10am.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 0240 3978
Password: 122688
Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and join us for the Tuesday Adult Discussion group led by Derek Roe as we begin a new video series: Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad presented by Prof. Mark Muesse. We hope to see you there!
Discussions range over many topics, and it’s a great way to keep in touch with church friends during social distancing. We’ll end somewhere between 11:30 and noon.
- From your laptop or desktop computer https://zoom.us/j/309686166?pwd=OVZ2VXFUSDV6R2IwM0xTMTd4TEVCdz09, OR
- From your landline telephone or cell phone: (253) 215 8782 then enter the meeting ID: 309 686 166# Password: 399499
- Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aCaOLQbW3
MEANWHILE GRASS AND WEEDS CONTINUE TO GROW whether church is open or not. If you have time and energy to work at socially distanced mowing, weeding, or general upkeep on our grounds, Laura Kao is graciously available to provide guidance. Laura has also posted a to-do list of discrete tasks on the shed door for all comers. Contact laura_b_kao@hotmail.com or 812-361-6074