Bloomington Peace Action Coalition
First United Church is honored to have been asked and is privileged to host the Bloomington Peace Action Coalition as they present guest speaker Dr. Ira Helfand—winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (2017)—on Wednesday, March 26th, 7pm. Dr. Helfand will speak “On the Prevention of Nuclear War” in our newly renovated Sanctuary. All are very much invited and encouraged to attend.
People’s Market
The People’s Market will be presenting their Spring Sprout Food Systems Series March 27th-30th here at First United. All are invited to participate in these 4 days of events including natural dying, food demos, recipe and seed swaps, film screenings, presentations from food service organizations and food producers, Q&A panel, and roundtable community food accessibility discussions, and, of course, with local artisans and food vendors. Learn more here
It’s March, It’s Lent, It’s Fifth-Sunday Potluck!
Join us on Sunday, March 30th after worship for one of our fabulous pitch-in meals. Bring a dish to share (labeled for allergens if possible) or just join us; there is always plenty. If you’d like a one-off volunteer opportunity, join us at 9:30am to set up, or just jump into cleanup afterwards. Contact Mary for information or 812-361-5047.
Happy Birthday!
Please remember in your prayers and give thanks for Eloise Farmer (March 29th) who will be celebrating his birthday this week. We are blessed to have you in our lives!
Support My Sister’s Closet
The Board of Outreach invites you to offer your support to My Sister’s Closet, a Bloomington nonprofit organization that promotes financial self-sufficiency by providing support services, essential career development tools for success, and professional attire. Sandy Keller will share about their work and the power impact it has on our community during worship and a special offering will be received to support My Sister’s Closet on Sunday, March 30th.
SEA Annual Spring Gathering
All are invited to attend the Annual Spring Gathering of the Southeast Association of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference (UCC) on Sunday, April 6th, 3pm (registration begins 2:30) at Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ (603 N. New Jersey St, Indianapolis 46202). Our congregation is allotted two lay delegates (who are able to vote) and an unlimited number of guests. Contact Pastor Jessica with any questions and if you are interested in carpooling.
CLT Planning
All those interested in the ways we engage with the youngest among us (especially parents/guardians and CLT leaders) are invited to gather with Pastor Jessica and one another in Fellowship Hall after worship on Sunday, April 6th to identify the stories we’ll explore during the upcoming Easter season (April 27th-June 8th) and choose activities/crafts connected to the selected stories. Resources will be provided.
Beginnings of Judaism: New Tuesday Morning Study
Our regular 10am Tuesday morning discussion group will begin a new study on April 8th: “Beginnings of Judaism.” Join us for this 24-session study as Dr. Isaiah M. Gafni guides us in an exploration of the roots of Judaism, reaching back to the Hebrew Bible. For thousands of years, Jews have looked to these scriptures for their origins and have located in them the tenets of their faith. However, much of what is recognized today as Judaism does not appear in the Bible. How did Judaism develop from its biblical roots to the highly developed system we know today? What has changed-and what has remained constant? Join us in asking the questions and considering present day connections. Learn more here. Perfect attendance not required.
A2A 101: Becoming Accessible to All
Join us for upcoming events to learn about our journey to becoming the first Accessible 2 All (A2A) congregation in Indiana through the United Church of Christ (UCC). Discover what it means to be truly accessible, beyond ramps and signage, and how we can invite and include people with all types of disabilities. Sessions are on Sunday, April 13th at 9:15am (hybrid; room TBA); Wednesday, April 23rd at 7pm on Zoom; and Sunday, April 27th at noon (hybrid; room TBA). Each one-hour session will cover the certification process and introduce key concepts of accessibility. Let’s make our church a welcoming place for everyone!
Pizza & Play
Members and friends of First United of all ages and family configurations (and your friends and family) are encouraged to gather for Pizza & Play on Friday, April 4th, 5:30pm-7:30pm. We’ll enjoy a time of informal, unprogrammed fun and fellowship in Fellowship Hall. As the name implies, pizza, drinks, and dessert will be provided. If you’re planning to attend, please let Pastor Jessica know by Thursday, April 3rd so she can be sure to have enough food for all and account for any dietary needs
First Sunday Food Drive
The Board of Outreach invites you to offer food donations on the first Sunday of each month. We encourage you to bring donations of non-perishable food items for our community members in need placing them on the marked table in the narthex on Sunday, April 6th. As always, all of the collected food and cleaning/hygiene items will go to Pathways (formerly MCUM), and pet food will go to Area 10 Agency on Aging. Click here to for a list of ongoing needs; they are currently most in need of cereal, helper meals, and Mac & Cheese. Donations are delivered each month. Thank you for your donations to meet ongoing community needs!
Time to Order Easter Lilies!
This Easter we continue the tradition of decorating the sanctuary with Easter lilies. If you would like to participate by purchasing one or more potted lilies, contact Lisa in the office. The lilies are yours to take home and enjoy after the Easter service. The cost is $11.00 per plant. We will need your order and payment by Friday, April 11th. Be sure to make your check payable to First United Church and in the memo area put “For Easter Lilies.” Thank you!
Sunday Morning Hybrid Worship
Join us for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30am. This Sunday’s service will feature Rev. Jessica Petersen-Mutai in the pulpit; she will also offer a special message for the young and young at heart. Vickey Allen will present the day’s scripture and serve as our congregational lead. Mitchell Farmer will highlight some of the many ways we are invited to engage in the life of the church and our wider community. Eric Meincke and Guest Organist Hyeyeon Ahn will lead us in song. Special music by Joe Stiefel, playing the piano. Dave Meyer and Kim Yaussy Albright will offer a warm welcome to those who will gather in the sanctuary and could use some help (sign up here). And, Kyle Hetrick and Jim True will welcome all who join via Zoom as they ensure the audio/visual pieces run as smoothly as possible. Finally, be sure to join us for a time of fellowship and refreshment hosted by Dave Meyer and Cindy Neidhart after worship.
Join the Zoom Webinar by clicking here
Dial-in number: (312) 626-6799; Webinar ID: 828 3681 0281
The service will be posted on Monday afternoon on First United’s Vimeo channel (where you can access all of our previous worship services).
Donate online by clicking here
Daily Lenten Devotionals
We have a wonderful new offering for you to observe and engage throughout this Lenten season of reflection. Daily devotionals are offered through our YouTube channel and shared on our Facebook page each day at 7am (Ash Wednesday, March 5th, through Easter Sunday, April 20th). Each 2-3 minute devotional features a member of our First United family sharing words of inspiration inviting us to “Let Go” of various behaviors, thoughts, and attitudes that hinder us from living more fully in the ways of Jesus. Over the course of the six weeks of Lent, you are invited to let go of insecurity, of bitterness, of perfectionism, and more as we journey to the new life we celebrate on Easter.
Join Our Church Choirs!
All those who are musically inclined are invited to join First United’s Bell and Vocal Choirs. The Bell Choir rehearses weekly on Thursdays in Roger Williams Hall from 6:15-7:15pm,and the Vocal Choir rehearses weekly on Thursdays from 7:30-9:00pm in the Choir Room. There will be no rehearsal for either choir on March 20th. If you are interested in joining either or both choirs, please reach out to Eric Meincke ( Hansol Kim can also answer questions about joining the Bell Choir ( No prior experience is required to join either group! If you love music and want a way to express that love through fellowship, the First United Church Music Ministry is the place for you!
Keeping Up with Our Congregation
One of the gifts of being part of a community of faith is that we don’t face the ups and downs and middles of life alone. We invite you to share what is going on in your lives by contacting Lisa Stanger and/or Pastor Jessica so we can appropriately share information (with your permission) with our wider community of care that we might offer our support whatever you may be facing.
You are encouraged to offer your prayers and actions of support for:
Sara Cole
Helen Thompson (grandmother of Heather Farmer)
Julia and Don Bebeau
Jen Lane
Rachel Workman
Sam Troxal
Christopher Meincke (Eric’s brother)
Meal Trains for Members
Two First United member households are recovering from hospitalizations and would welcome meal support. Please sign up to bring food to Don and Julia Bebeau at and to Sara Cole at
People’s Market
First United houses the People’s Cooperative Market in Fellowship Hall on Saturdays.The market is now open every Saturday, 9am-1pm, to pick up fresh, locally-grown produce. They also continue to pack and deliver CSA every Saturday while offering a more limited schedule for fuller market days. They will host a Rummage Sale on the second Saturday of each month. Email ( to learn more about getting a booth or to volunteer with the market.
the People’s Market will be presenting their Spring Sprout Food Systems Series March 27th-30th here at First United. All are invited to participate in these 4 days of events including natural dying, food demos, recipe and seed swaps, film screenings, presentations from food service organizations and food producers, Q&A panel, and roundtable community food accessibility discussions, and, of course, with local artisans and food vendors. Learn more here
Administrative Policy on ICE Enforcement
During their February 25th meeting, Church Council adopted the following Administrative Policy on ICE Enforcement:
First United Church is an inclusive and welcoming community. We respect law enforcement and recognize the importance of complying with lawful orders. At the same time, we are committed to upholding the dignity and rights of our community, volunteers, members, and program participants. Therefore, we will require immigration officials seeking access to church records, individuals or groups inside our premises, and/or non-public spaces (including ministerial offices) to present a judicial warrant or other legally valid authorization. Administrative warrants issued by the Department of Homeland Security or similar entity are insufficient for such access. (Click here for help distinguishing between judicial and administrative warrants and your rights regarding interactions with ICE.)
- Impacted spaces: Senior Minister Office, Christian Education Office, Worship Leader Office, Church storage areas to include (but not limited to): Safe, finance closet, mailboxes, administrative filing cabinets
- Designated Points of Contact: Senior Minister, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Clerk
First Sunday Food Drive – Update
Thanks to your generosity, Keith Gerber delivered 65 pounds of food and supplies to Pathways (formerly MCUM) following the March food drive. Donations are delivered each month. Thank you for your donations to meet ongoing community needs!
The Joy of Hosting
Our Member Relations Committee continues to offer support to weekly coffee hour hosts and encourage everyone to sign up to host—it’s easy, fun, and a great way to serve your church family with a one-time commitment. Sign up as buddies or families, invite someone you’ve been wanting to get to know, use the occasion to showcase a family recipe or try out a new one. Sign up to host by clicking here.
Off-Topic Scripture Circle
You are invited to join members and friends of First United via Zoom (click here) each Monday morning at 10am to check in and explore the week’s lectionary scripture readings in a casual setting where you will never be asked to leave your brain or your heart at the door.
Tuesday Morning Café and Discussion
Join us in Roger Williams Hall or via Zoom (click here) Tuesdays at 10am-11:30am as we gather for a time of informal conversation followed by thought-provoking theological study and discussion. We are nearing the end of a 24-sesson study: “Jesus and His Jewish Influences” presented by Jodi Magness. Learn more about the series here. Previous participation and perfect attendance are not required.
Children’s Learning Time
Each Sunday morning, children in kindergarten and up will begin in the Sanctuary with their families and proceed to Room 2 with their adult leads for Children’s Learning Time (CLT) following Children’s Time. Many thanks to Molly Koontz and Jessica McIntosh for leading CLT this Sunday.
You are invited to consider whether you might be able to join our teaching rotation to enrich the program for the kids and gain so much from the experience yourself! Lesson materials and supplies are provided, and we have seasoned leaders to help get newer volunteers acclimated. If you are interested or have questions, please reach out to Megan Merrick, Pastor Jessica, or any member of the Board of Education.
Nursery Care
Our youngest children are welcome to spend time from 10am-11:45am playing in the nursery or on the playground, weather permitting. Brishna Arman and Jessica McIntosh will ensure our little ones are safe and engaged in fun activities during worship this Sunday. We are always looking for additional volunteer assistants to help in the nursery occasionally. Contact Jessica McIntosh if you are interested and with any questions.
Our Wider Reach: Stewardship 2025
Though our stewardship campaign, Our Wider Reach: Living Our Faith to Make a Better World, officially came to an end on Commitment Sunday, March 2nd, with the offering and blessing of our commitments/pledges for the year ahead, you are still welcome to submit your pledge card. You may do so by filling out a hard-copy pledge card (mailed out and available at the church) and returning it to the church office or by filling out an online pledge form here. No matter what form it takes, your commitment to support our church and community through the contribution of time, talents, and financial resources is much appreciated. Thank you!
A Message from Eric Meincke
This will be my final semester as Director of Music at First United Church. I will begin a new Director of Music position at Fort Hill Presbyterian Church in Clemson, SC this May. My final Sunday will be May 4th. I am so grateful for the home that First United has been for me these last three years, and I look forward to following the journey of this ministry as it continues to flourish and grow in the years to come. Thank you all for being such a welcoming and open church, and I wish First United all the best in the future.
Announcements Deadline
If you have information to include in our weekly announcements email, please send your item to Lisa Stanger by noon on the Wednesday before.
Photography and Media Consent Policy
A reminder that our new Photography and Media Consent Policy is in effect as of January 1st, 2025. The policy addresses the use of photography, video, and other audio/visual recordings taken during church events and sharing these materials in our communications and promotional efforts. It includes special provisions for minors and guidance for how to opt out of appearing in recordings or media. You may read the full policy here.
Did You Know…We Have an Online Directory?
An online church directory is available for all members of First United! You may access the directory by clicking on “Member Directory” from the “Member Area” drop-down menu located at the top of any page of the church website. Contact Lisa in the office for your sign-in credentials (you are encouraged to change your password after logging in for the first time).
2025 Offering Envelopes and Direct Deposit
We are using leftover offering envelope boxes for 2025. This year, your number box will not be the same; please contact Lisa Stanger if you would like envelopes! Alternatively, if you would like to give to the church through direct deposit, please contact Lisa in the office to make sure she knows you would like to give in this convenient way and has your updated information.