• Off-Topic Scripture Circle – Sundays @ 9am; Join Zoom Meeting here
  • Sunday Morning Worship – Sundays @ 10:30am; Join Zoom Meeting here
  • Racial Justice Working GroupSunday, June 20th at 12pm; Join Zoom Meeting here
  • Virtual Café and Adult Discussion – Tuesdays @ 10am;Join Zoom Meeting here


Racial Justice Working Group

The next meeting of the Racial Justice Working Group is this Sunday, June 20th at 12pm (previously scheduled for 2pm). The group will meet in person in Room 6 and online via Zoom here. The group is currently working on a racial justice commitment statement to include on the church website, reviewing resources to engage in an anti-racism audit of our church, and considering opportunities for us to take direct action. Contact Rev. Petersen-Mutai if you are interested in joining this initiative or if you have any questions or concerns.

Announcements and Newsletter Deadlines

If you would like an announcement included in the weekly church email, please have your item to Lisa by noon on the Wednesday before. July “First News” articles are due to Lisa by 9am on Monday, June 21st.


Update Re:Hybrid Worship

During their June 16th meeting, Council voted to remove the sign-up requirement for those wishing to attend Sunday morning worship in person. They also voted to increase capacity to 100 people for these services. There is plenty of room, so come on in!

Off-Topic Scripture Circle – NOW HYBRID!

Want to read and discuss the week’s scripture readings with friends before church in a casual setting where you will never be asked to leave your brain or your heart at the door? We have the place for you! Those who are interested and able to gather in person are invited to gather in Room 6, and those who would like to join us online via Zoom can do so here. See you Sunday morning, 9am-10am!

Tuesday Virtual Café and Adult Discussion – NOW HYBRID!

Join us in person or online at 10am-11:30am each Tuesday for a time of informal conversation followed by thought-provoking theological study and discussion. The group is currently viewing and discussing a series entitled The Apocryphal Jesus, a 24-session video lecture series offered by David Brakke, Ph.D., M.Div. Through this series, participants will gain a new perspective on early Christian life and history through non-canonical Christian literature. Previous participation not required. For those interested and able to gather in person, we’ll be in Fellowship Hall; those wanting to join online via Zoom can do so here.

Imagine – ABC-USA Biennial Mission Summit

It’s not too late to register for the 2021 online Biennial Mission Summit event and experience the vitality of our American Baptist family together with other American Baptists from all corners of the United States! Join one of the most diverse Baptist denominations as we imagine new possibilities and celebrate together the love of Christ and the joy of being a part of American Baptist Churches USA. The Summit will feature scheduled programming on each of the three event days, June 24th-26th. An exciting array of speakers and workshop leaders will bring fresh ideas and experiences to the forefront in the minds of attendees. In addition to the live events offered June 24th-26th, a wide-ranging library of prerecorded workshops and offerings will be available to registrants for a 90-day period. Featuring skilled keynote speakers (Dr. Winterbourne Harrison-Jones and Rev. Dr. Brianna Parker), engaging workshops, a special comedy presentation, and a digital library of pre-recorded presentations, you will not want to miss the online 2021 Biennial Mission Summit! Learn more and register online at abc-usa.org (registration cost is $125/household). Contact Rev. Petersen-Mutai if you are interested in serving as a delegate.


Sunday Morning Hybrid Worship

Join us for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30am. This Sunday’s service will feature Rev. Jessica Petersen-Mutai in the pulpit, a message from Mary Peckham for the young and young at heart and moving music from Sam Troxal; Laurie Eynon will present the day’s scripture reading. Bill Perkins, Siri Loescher, and Don and Florence Shelton will offer a warm welcome and bulletin for those who gather in the sanctuary, and Rebecca Keith will greet those joining us via Zoom. Thanks to Kyle Hetrick for providing the flower arrangement!

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here

Dial-in number: (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID: 946 3570 8633; Passcode: 879535

The service will be posted late Sunday afternoon on First United’s Vimeo channel (where you can access all of our previous worship services).

Donate online at: firstuc.online/donate; offering plates available at each entrance into the Sanctuary

While the recent move to hybrid worship is exciting, it also comes with challenges as we discover what will work best for us as we seek to offer meaningful worship experiences for both in-person and online worshipers. We ask for your patience and understanding as we find our way on the journey of hybrid worship. We welcome your feedback on how to improve the hybrid worship experience over the coming weeks as we venture into this new arena together.

Sunday Flowers

The sign-up book for 2021 flower donations is available in the lobby of Fellowship Hall. It is very, very empty, so please sign up for your choice of dates, or just choose any Sunday to provide flowers for the sanctuary or contact Siri Loescher with your preferred date(s) (sannloescher@gmail.com). Your donations are appreciated, and the flowers are yours to take home following worship. Thank you.

Zoom Hosts Needed!

As we continue to offer hybrid services for the foreseeable future would love to have more zoom hosts. Training is minimal! Contact Rebecca Keith (rekeith@iu.edu) or Pastor Jessica to sign up!


Fair Maps Postcards

The Board of Outreach invites you to participate in a League of Women Voters (Indiana) initiative related to the redistricting process currently underway in our state. What’s involved? Writing and sending postcards to seven Indiana legislators in the month of June. Packets including postcards (with postage) and instructions (including suggested messages) are now available in the church office and will be accessible on Sunday morning. Please stop by the church to pick up a packet if you are able to help with this important initiative.

Ministers of Care

The Ministers of Care group is seeking people who would like to visit one or two older church members about once a month in their homes (or to connect over the phone as concerns regarding COVID-19 persist). These visits could last about 20-30 minutes and would be scheduled at your convenience. If you would like to learn more about this meaningful ministry, please contact Sarah Burton (812-361-6201 or burtonsp@indiana.edu).


Racial Justice Working Group

The Racial Justice Book Club will meet next Sunday, June 27th, 12:00pm-1:30pm, for their first hybrid meeting to conclude their discussion of An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz (Ch. 9 thru Epilogue). Those meeting in person are invited to gather in Room 6. Join us via Zoom here. Questions? Please contact Laurie Eynon at leynon73@icloud.com.

Summer Series Event

The Board of Christian Education is hosting three Sunday Summer Series events. WHEN: June 27th, July 25th, and August 29th, 4pm-6pm. WHERE: Outside on the church grounds (weather permitting – will accommodate indoor if needed). WHAT: Programming will include educational sessions for adults, children’s activities, and outdoor nursery care will be available if requested. Youth are invited to attend the adult sessions or to assist with the children.

During the July 27th gathering, there will be two 45-minute sessions offered for adults. Rev. Chad Abbott, our Indiana Kentucky Conference Minister, will lead participants in gaining greater understanding of the United Church of Christ through a sort of UCC 101 (ABC 101 coming in July!). Rev. Petersen-Mutai will offer a session introducing Process Theology, which is based in the understanding that everything is dynamically interconnected, that everything matters, that everything has an effect. Interested in both topics? Great! Because two groups will rotate through both offerings.

Questions? Need nursery care? Contact Molly Koontz at molly.koontz@yahoo.com.

Children’s Learning Time

Derek continues to send out weekly CLT email lessons that families can engage with together, including craft and activity resources. The weekly videos are on hiatus due to technology challenges. Please contact Derek Roe with feedback or questions!


Indoor Gatherings Update
With the pandemic loosening its grip as our community continues to get vaccinated, our building is open once again for in-person gatherings! Masks are required in the building for all age 2 and above (encouraged for outdoor gatherings), and social distancing of at least 6 feet should be maintained at all times between individuals, households, or “pods.” If you would like to hold a meeting in the church building, please contact Lisa to reserve a room.

The full Reopening Policy can be accessed here. Any questions or concerns regarding the Reopening Policy should be addressed to the Church Council.

Lawnmowers Wanted!

The Board of Building and Grounds is still welcoming volunteers who are interested in helping keep our grass looking inviting as we expand in-person church activities. All necessary equipment is provided. Please contact Ted Wininger (twininger68@gmail.com) if you are interested in joining our rotation of mowers.

Contact Information