I GOT A ROCK!? Join us in painting rocks as a way of saying goodbye to Dawna and Doug Petersen. Dawna requested that members and friends paint small rocks that she can take to their new garden in Tucson, Arizona when they move later this month. Take a moment during coffee hour on 14th to create a rock for them. All supplies will be provided.
THE COFFEE HOUR TODAY will be in honor of the baptism of Reese Devido.? If you want to help celebrate, please contact Sara Ivey Lucas at sivey@indiana.edu.
LENTEN MEDIATIONS. The Board of Worship is seeking individuals to offer brief meditations during Sunday church services the five Sundays of Lent. These three to five minute offerings may draw on Christian scriptures or other religious and philosophical traditions, as well as your own poems and prayers. If you are interested, please contact Jean Graves at netsuke1868@gmail.com or 513-348-3630, by February 4.
SUNDAY FLOWER ANNOUNCEMENT: The sign-up book for 2018 flower donations is available in the lobby of Fellowship Hall.? It is very, very empty, so please sign up for your choice of dates, or just choose any Sunday to provide flowers for the sanctuary.? Your donations are appreciated and the flowers are yours to take home following worship.? Thanks.
SCRIPTURE READERS NEEDED the rest of January and all of February. If you?d like to read scripture during our Sunday morning worship, please sign up on the sign-up sheet on the table by the kitchen. We love having people of all ages be a part of worship in this special way. Our Office Manager will e-mail you the NRSV version of the scriptures the Friday before you read. This is a great way to participate in the Sunday service.
OFFERING ENVELOPES READY FOR PICK UP. You will find the 2018 offering envelopes on a small table, outside of the sanctuary doors. Please pick up your envelopes. If you are new or don’t have envelopes yet, there are some new ones to pick from.
Please place your name and envelope number on the piece of paper beside the offering envelopes. Thank you.
NO STEP COMMUNION SERVICE. If you would like to serve Communion but are not comfortable negotiating the steps up to and down from the altar, be not afraid! ?We welcome anyone who would like to serve but avoid steps.? We will set up Communion so that you may come forward and sit in the first pew.? When it?s time to distribute the elements, we will happily bring them to you and allow you to distribute as usual.? If this service is of interest to you, just sign up and let Florence Shelton know so that we can prepare accordingly. Eric Metzler, Chair, Board of Christian Worship
Just Friday: In January Just Friday will have a single month focus on change and personal goals. Whether you were a Just Friday regular or not, come! January 26 will be an evening to reflect on any changes you have made or want to make in action or attitude based on your experiences in 2017 and our discussions on stereotypes, climate change, food, abundance etc. Change can happen any time, but we will take this opportunity of the new year to look at changes we can make or have made to further justice in our world. Join us from 7-9 in Roger Williams hall. If you have questions, contract Hopi Stosberg or Derek Roe.
MINISTER OF CARE FOR THE WEEK OF JANUARY 14, IS JEAN PETERS.? A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.