UPDATING THE WEBSITE. Those who want to help keep the First United Church Website up to date, we will meet after church on February 26 in Room 6.

We need people who are interested in writing content, taking pictures, generating ideas.? If you are interested but can?t make that meeting, let Rob Potter know by sending him an email:? rfpotter@indiana.edu.? Or just drop by quickly after church on the 26 and let him know.?

ADULT STUDY CLASS – SCIENCE AND RELIGION SERIES. Please join us on Tuesday, March 7th from 10:00 to 11:30 am as we begin a new video series that will explore the interplay between science and religion.? In addition to a presentation and discussion, there will be coffee and snacks. ??

LENTEN PRACTICE AT FIRST UNITED. The Christian season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 1 this year.? Traditionally during Lent, the faithful are urged to fast, deepen their prayer life, and give alms. If you plan to observe Lent personally, now is the time to consider how you might enter into the Lenten season, preparing your spiritual house for the rebirth and renewal of Easter.

In addition to personal observance, we will observe Lent collectively as a congregation.? Liturgically, we will use purple vestments and refrain from using the word alleluia during Sunday services.? We will also hold short (3 – 5 minute) lay-led meditations immediately prior to the Sunday sermon.? The idea will be to deepen our relationship with the deity ? however you define that ? through a variety of prayer styles.? The Board of Christian Worship hopes the congregation will find our Lenten spiritual practice meaningful during this special time.?

CALLING ALL KIDS FOR EASTER SINGING! Easter is coming up soon and now is a great time for kids from CLT and beyond to begin learning a song that they can sing here on Easter morning!? Beginning March 5th we invite all kids to join Rebecca, Vini and Ashley to meet in the choir room for about 15 minutes right after church (during Coffee Hour) to practice.? Please see Vini, Rebecca Keith, or Derek Roe with questions! ??

LENTEN VOLUNTEER PROJECT ? AT MY SISTER?S CLOSET. Sunday, March 5 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. with dinner following at First United.

Volunteers of all ages and abilities are invited to join us in this opportunity to serve together. A small kitchen team is also needed. Please sign up in the Narthex or outside Fellowship Hall. For more info, contact Sam Troxal stroxal@yahoo.com or 812-361-6172.


Just Friday: The next Just Friday will be March 24 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Just Friday is an adult discussion group focused on topics related to justice. On March 24 we will continue our discussion of “us” vs. “them”, stereotypes, and bias. Dessert and drinks will be available. Childcare will not be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Hopi Stosberg, Allison McClanahan, or Derek Roe.

Play Friday: Play Friday is a casual evening of fun and fellowship for all ages. The 2nd Friday of each month from 6:00p.m.-8:00 p.m. we will come together to eat pizza, play games, make art, and have casual conversation. Activities are planned to be enjoyable and accessible for all ages. We will gather next on March 10, theme to be announced. It helps with food planning if you can RSVP to Hopi Stosberg at hopi@stosberg.com. Hope to see you there!?

THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE (NC) is beginning its work to fill vacancies for Council officers and members of the four permanent boards for the next administrative year.? NC members are Sarah Burton (Chair), Sara Ivey Lucas, Laura Kao (B&G), Florence Shelton (Worship), Sam Troxal (Outreach) and Rebecca Keith (Education).? Please respond prayerfully and thoughtfully when they contact you to ask you to serve.? Also, feel free to contact them with nominations of yourself or others.? ??If you are new to First United or just want to learn more about each Board and its responsibilities, there will be an information display at Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall during February.? Also, one of the four Boards will be featured in the Sunday bulletins during February. ?We invite you to stop by the information table and/or talk with members of the committee.? We welcome your interest.

CONTACT MEMBERS OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE😕 either via email or catch them after church services.? Sarah Burton: burtonsp@indiana.edu; Sara Ivey Lucas: ?sivey@indiana.edu; Laura Kao: laura_b_kao@hotmail.com; Sam Troxal: stroxal@yahoo.com; Florence Shelton: florence100447@yahoo.com; and Rebecca Keith: rekeith@iu.edu


The end of hunger is within our grasp, but we have to change the systems. First United Church will participate in Bread for the World’s Offering of Letters this Spring, joining with a host of others in a special ecumenical campaign to speak up for the hungry in the halls of Congress. In anticipation of the Offering of Letters, Bread for the World is hosting a workshop to prepare us for coordinated letter writing in support of the hungry.

Special guest: Sally Perkins ? Sally is a professional story teller and has taught at the college level for 30 years. She will help us effectively tell our stories of advocacy for the hungry in ways that are compelling to our target audiences.

9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 11th at Second Presbyterian Church (7700 N Meridian St., Indianapolis)

?MINISTER OF CARE FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 26, IS NORM OVERLY.? A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.