Nursery Needs. Our wonderful nursery staff is requesting donations of washable tempura paint, paint brushes, epsom salt, and cotton balls to use with our nursery children. If you have these items at home or would be willing to purchase these items, please drop them off in the nursery. Thank you for supporting our youngest children! Email with any questions.

Vacation Bible School. The Board of Christian Education is considering planning a Vacation Bible School (VBS) program this summer. The program would likely run for 5 days and we are considering themes such as Creative Arts Camp or creation care. We are gathering some information about the interest and availability for such a program. We will need the support of the entire congregation, so whether you have school-age children or not, please fill out this survey by February 9

Authors!  Poets!   We want to recognize you at the Third Sunday Potluck in February.  Have you written a book?  Have you published a poem?  Please let the Committee on Community Development know so we can include you in the February 16 “Get to Know our Writers” moment.  Contact a CCD member, church librarian, or e-mail  The church librarians also want church members who are authors and poets to let them know about their published works for possible acquisition.   E-mail:

MCUM food pantry. For February please bring the following nonperishable food items to our church pantry for MCUM: Canned meats (tuna, chicken, beef), Peanut butter , Dried pasta, Cereal, Ready to eat soup, chili,  and/or pasta, Canned vegetables (carrots, greens, potatoes), Crackers.

MCUM has received 75 pounds of food plus sanitary items for January. Don & Florence Shelton deliver the items donated to MCUM after the first Sunday of the month. Thanks to everyone who gives to fill these needs. 

Explore the New Testament with an Eye for History
The Tuesday Morning Discussion Group invites you to join us on any or all of the next 24 weeks as we watch The Great Courses’ premiere series on the New Testament.  Presented by Dr. Bart Ehrman, a well-respected scholar in progressive theology circles, the series explores the books of the Christian scriptures from a historical perspective that provides readers with context that aids understanding.

We meet in Room 6 on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30.  Coffee, tea, and snacks are always provided, and you do not have to attend each week to keep up.  We hope to see you there!  Please contact Derek Roe at with any questions.

Parenting Discussion Group is Back! We will be meeting again at 9:30am on second and fourth Sundays in Roger Williams Hall to discuss the book Parenting Forward, by Cindy Wang Brandt, and other general parenting topics. Reading the book is not mandatory for participation! We welcome parents of all ages and stages, and child care is provided. Please contact Jennifer Duann Fultz at if you have any questions.

Sunday Flower Announcement. The sign-up book for 2020 flower donations is available in the lobby of Fellowship Hall.  Please sign up early for your choice of dates, or just choose any Sunday to provide flowers for the sanctuary.  Your donations are appreciated and the flowers are yours to take home following worship. Cost $40. Thanks. Questions please contact Siri Loescher at

Minister Of Care For The Week Of February 9, is Sarah Burton.  A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.