The Board of Outreach invites you to participate in a new all-volunteer inter-faith effort for inmates in the Monroe County Detention Center.

After church on Sunday February 11th in Room 6, a short (30 min) information meeting will be held on 1st United Church?s involvement in Jail BINGO and how to become involved.

For 12 years, a few faithful volunteers have brought hope and a little joy every month to over 200 inmates in the county jail.? Now, as a new inter-faith effort, Jail BINGO regularly brings prizes and the game of BINGO into the jail?s cell blocks and shows the inmates, and the guards, that the community cares about those that are in our jail.? The program is non-religious but many volunteers are motivated to participate by their faith and specifically by Matthew 25.

?[The Lord said..] for I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.. [and] truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.?

Please join us after church on Sunday, February 11 to learn more.

David Meyer (dave@newleafnewlife.org)

SUNDAY FLOWER ANNOUNCEMENT: The sign-up book for 2018 flower donations is available in the lobby of Fellowship Hall.? It is very, very empty, so please sign up for your choice of dates, or just choose any Sunday to provide flowers for the sanctuary.? Your donations are appreciated and the flowers are yours to take home following worship.? Thanks.

NO STEP COMMUNION SERVICE. If you would like to serve Communion but are not comfortable negotiating the steps up to and down from the altar, be not afraid! ?We welcome anyone who would like to serve but avoid steps.? We will set up Communion so that you may come forward and sit in the first pew.? When it?s time to distribute the elements, we will happily bring them to you and allow you to distribute as usual.? If this service is of interest to you, just sign up and let Florence Shelton know so that we can prepare accordingly. Eric Metzler, Chair, Board of Christian Worship?


Just Friday: Just Friday is a monthly discussion group taking place on the last Friday of each month from 7-9 p.m. Each evening there will be a media presentation and we will discuss various issues relating to Justice. There will be light refreshment, no child care provided. From February-May there will be a focus on health and justice. There are many justice issues related to health, including access to quality care, health insurance, and availability of healthy food. We will focus discussion and media in the following areas:

February 23: Access to care-economic conditions

March 23: Equal Treatment-issues of discrimination

April 27: Navigating the System-You need a phd for that!

May 25: Healthy Food-can you buy that near you?

If you have any questions, please contact Hopi Stosberg or Derek Roe.

Play Friday:?Join us for February Play Friday on Friday, February 9 from 6-8 in Fellowship Hall for pizza, games, and crafts. In honor of Valentine?s day, wear pink, red, or white and be sure to bring your friends! This event is fun for all ages. It helps with food planning if you RSVP to Hopi Stosberg at hopi@stosberg.com. See you there!

MINISTER OF CARE FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 04, IS JEAN PETERS.? A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.