Got Faith?
You are Invited to join Pastor Monica for conversations to discuss themes from the sermon.
Dates & time:
- Sunday, August 11 @12:30 – 1:30pm (after potluck)
- Sunday, August 18 @11:45 – 12:45pm
Reflection questions for today’s sermon:
– what stood out for you in the Hebrews 11 reading? Why?
– is faith personal or expressed in community or both?
– what can we learn about faith by reflecting on our past?
Location: Room 6
Parenting Book Club
We are kicking off a parenting book club! We will be discussing the book Parenting Forward, by Cindy Wang Brandt. Parents of all ages, stages, and genders are welcome. Our inaugural meeting will be at 9:30am on August 18 in Roger Williams Hall, with plans to meet every other week going forward. Please contact Jennifer Duann Fultz with any questions or if you need help obtaining a copy of the book. RSVP at
Committee on Community Development (CCD) Meeting, Wednesday, August 14, 10 a.m., Room 6
Pastor Monica will meet with us for a first time, so this meeting will involve an overview of what CCD has done in its 17 months of existence and things we’ve discussed doing. If you have been tempted to explore doing more at church, this would be a good meeting to attend. You’d be very welcome, even for just this one meeting. Come learn where CCD is now and join the conversation about how we can further develop being a caring community at First United Church
Music Director Search
It is with great sadness that First United Church announces Vini Frizzo’s resignation as Music Director. He has accepted a wonderful full-time position as Director of Music Ministries at Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, beginning August 15th. Though we are sorry to see him leave, we are excited for his future and wish him, Ashley, and Jo the very best. Please know that church leadership is hard at work to ensure a strong future for our rich music program. A search will begin within the week and auditions will be held later in August. We hope to have a new director within the month of September.
Want a Permanent Name Tag?
Paper name tags can be found in the brown pew registries. But if you would like a permanent name tag, we are placing an order shortly. (We need a minimum of five tags per order.) You do not have to be a member. You can also request one if you can’t find yours! Contact Florence Shelton or any usher to request yours and specify/spell your name.
Ushers Needed.
Ushers perform a very important role for our Sunday Church services in greeting our members and guests.
You do not need to be a member of the Church to serve as an usher. All you will need to do is to arrive early for Church service (about 10:15a.m.)
To volunteer to serve as an usher, you can do so by signing up on the August usher list, which is next to the kitchen door near the Fellowship Hall or see Pat Martin, who is serving as usher captain for the month of August. You can e-mail Pat at or call at 812-606-6141. Please consider volunteering for this very important service for the church.
Centering Prayer Embraces Summer
The cool quiet of the First United chapel is perfect for summertime contemplation. In keeping with the laid back tempo of summer in Bloomington, some Sunday mornings there will be some quiet music and a reading. Other times the space will be just quiet. Candles and meditations are always there for you. All that is really required for you to seek the presence of God is you. Sundays from 9:45 – 10:15am.
Join First United’s website Directory! You can now create a profile for yourself in the secure online directory, access member-only files, and RSVP for events. You can still see weekly announcements and listen to sermon recordings too. To register, please go to To see an instructional video for how to fill out your profile, please go to
Minister Of Care For The Week Of August 11, Is Phyllis Perkins. A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.