4th Spirituality Forum: “Literature and Spirituality”
Speaker: Holli Burnfield,
Time: 7:00-8:30 P.M.
Date: May 1st
Place: Roger Williams Hall
Join us in a monthly conversation to share your unique experiences and perspective on spirituality in your daily life.
At each meeting, an invited speaker will share how s/he relates spirituality to her/his personal and/or professional lives within 45 minutes, then open up the floor for questions and discussion. The tone of speech is conversational rather than academic.
If you have any question or if you want to invite any speaker, please contact Youshin Choi (youschoi@gmail.com)
Bloomingveg Potluck
BloomingVeg will be hosting a vegan potluck at First United on Sunday the 28th from 6:00p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The theme is “breakfast for dinner”, although all vegan dishes are welcome. Animal agriculture is the second largest contributor to climate change besides fossil fuels, so this is a great time to share and learn about plant-based foods. Bringing your own tableware is helpful but not required.
Ushers Needed For May.
We need several people to serve as ushers for the month of May. Ushers perform a very important role for our Sunday Church services in greeting our members and guests and answering their questions.
You do not need to be a member of the Church to serve as an usher. All you will need to do is to arrive early for Church service (about 10:00a.m.)
To volunteer to serve as an usher, you can do so by signing up on the May usher list, which is next to the kitchen door near the Fellowship Hall or see Don Shelton, who is serving as usher captain for the month of May. You can e-mail Don at dshelton0117@yahoo.com or call at 812-822-2749. Please consider volunteering for the very important service for the church.
Pot Luck Sundays.
Third Sunday Potlucks are almost always on third Sundays in 2019. Plan to bring a dish to share and to stay after worship service. We’ll eat in Fellowship Hall shortly after the service ends.
Bringing Joy To Jail Inmates.
Did you know that a small but dedicated group of First United folks brings a little joy into the local jail by performing Jail BINGO twice a month? We are looking for folks that can commit to two hours for one Tuesday per month to let their inner game show host shine. Will you help? It is very easy but it can be a little intimidating at first.
After getting over that bump you will quickly see the joy in the faces of the inmates as you bring them treats, needed hygiene items, snacks and some fun. Please talk to or email Dave Meyer (dwm@davemeyer.org), the organizer.
To All Interfaith Winter Shelter Volunteers:
On behalf of the Shelter
Board, I have important news for you. After a decade of service by hundreds of
volunteers to provide a warm, safe place to sleep for those in Bloomington who
needed that assistance during the cold months, the Interfaith Emergency Winter
Shelter has ended forever as of March 31, 2019.
That does not mean the service
will end, or that the need for volunteer help will end. Wheeler Mission in
Bloomington will continue to provide emergency sheltering as of April 1, 2019
and on into the future. Community members coming together to provide this
service for 10 years is a remarkable accomplishment that needs to be
recognized. Even more important is the thousands of hours of volunteer help
that all of you provided to make the Interfaith Winter Shelter a success. Your
help needs to be recognized and celebrated as well.
To accomplish that, Wheeler Mission
has organized a Celebration Event on Sunday, April 28 at 6:00 pm at Trinity
Episcopal Church to honor those who have helped over time to make the
Interfaith Emergency Winter Shelter an important part of the Bloomington
Community, to recognize the volunteers who made it operate, and to discuss the
plans for the future. We would like you to attend.
Thank you all for your hours of service.
I, and the other Board members, have valued the chance to work with you and
really stand in awe of all that you have done for the Bloomington Community. I
look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday evening. In the meantime, if you
have any questions or comments, please let me know.
Thank you sincerely for your
friendship and your service,
Dan Watts: wattbush@gmail.com
Invitation from Wheeler Mission
Let’s celebrate!
Thank you for your service at
Interfaith Emergency Winter Shelter, join us to celebrate the rich history of
the years of providing a low-barrier winter shelter for homeless individuals in
Monroe County.
Please join us for a celebration of
the faithful service throughout the years on Sunday, April 28th at 6 p.m. at
Trinity Episcopal Church, the original site of the Winter Shelter!
At the event, we’ll hear from members
of the IEWS community and Wheeler Mission. We will share a meal as we come together
for a time to share memories and appreciate the years devoted towards
supporting our neighbors in Bloomington.
Please RSVP at this link: https://forms.gle/9wFAkWydActEz9ts9
Feel free to email me if you have any
questions – we hope to see you and thank you personally at the event!
Josie Rice, Community Outreach Coordinator, Wheeler Mission Bloomington
Email: JosieLevine@WheelerMission.org
Implicit Bias Training.
Everyone has bias, and it often serves as important mental short cuts to help us efficiently function. It’s when our bias, in particular our implicit bias, involves power differentials that it can and does become so problematic.
Through the support of BTCC, Building a Thriving Compassionate Community, and the Youth Services Bureau of Monroe County, First United Church is offering an Implicit Bias Primer, where you’ll have the opportunity to understand and address both your own and our church’s implicit bias.
Our introductory-level training on implicit bias is focused on the organizational level because environments inform and reinforce our behaviors – and because we have the power and responsibility to make changes. This 3-hour introductory session will define implicit bias, explore how it operates within individuals and organizations, and identify tools to mitigate it. The training will be held in Roger Williams Hall on Saturday, May 11, from 9:00 a.m. – noon. Refreshments will be provided, to include breakfast items and coffee/tea. Please RSVP to Catherine Gray at catgray@iu.edu.
Centering Prayer.
Why not make some time for yourself in the New Year? Join us for A Time of Centering (Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:15 in the chapel.) Learn and practice techniques to be present and seek the presence of God in a nurturing space with compassionate people. Always running late? Can’t come every Sunday? Join us anyway.
Free Korean Yoga (Kuksundo) Class. KukSunDo is a traditional Korean yoga and meditation for the mind, body, and spirit. Just bring your yoga mat.
Days, Time and Place:
Monday, Friday 9:30 – 11:00a.m., Wednesday 5:30 – 7:00p.m., Saturday 10:00 – 11:30a.m., Roger Williams Hall in First United Church Questions? Contact YouShin Choi, youschoi@gmail.com
Minister Of Care For The Week Of April 28, Is Sarah Burton. A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.