Our Bridge Minister Pastor John Krueger
Pastor John Krueger is with us for the foreseeable future, providing pulpit supply, pastoral care and counseling, and other services as needed. Look for his “Monday Musings” on our website at https://firstuc.org . In this age of virtual contact please feel free to reach out to him, whether to simply say hello or to discuss your cares or concerns He can be reached at: john_krueger425@comcast.net h: 317-467-1529/ c: 317-498-0710
First News Reminder: All articles need to be sent to info@firstuc.org by Monday, April 27. Thank you.
A NOTE ON CURRENT OPERATIONS FOR OUR FIRST UNITED COMMUNITYFor the safety of all, the First United Church building will remain closed throughout the month of May. But our work as a caring community continues on Zoom through Sunday worship and lectionary study, and Tuesday’s Virtual Café and Adult Study class. For more details on these opportunities please visit https://firstuc.org/online/
We are also working to develop new ways to reach out in this stressful time of isolation. Meanwhile, our congregational expenses continue whether church is open or not. Especially important is our commitment to pay all our staff through the year.
We depend on your sustained giving in this difficult time.If you can, please maintain, or consider increasing your regular giving, to support our work. Options for giving include:
- mail (checks strongly preferred)
- online giving at https://tinyurl.com/GiveFirstUnited
- by phone at 1-800-675-7430 [account ID is ES799783 (First United Church, Inc.)].
- by text: 812-432-2002
Join Us for Worship this Sunday!! Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94635708633?pwd=NE9CdGtTWk5ndGRzRnQ2TTVrQmlZZz09 Meeting ID: 946 3570 8633Password: 879535
To see the bulletin for Sunday click here. Easter Sunday Worship Service can be viewed at: https://zoom.us/rec/share/3OpIFoiu9W9LGonPwhrCRoB8Irrceaa8hiQf8_JYzk-nwB4ucckfTfBlIkxnEmVT Access Password: E0!93=H*
VIRTUAL CAFÉ Tuesdays at 10:00am, Join Shelli Yoder Tuesday mornings from 10-10:30am to virtually meet up for a cup of coffee (BYO), a check-in, and a brief meditation/reflection and prayer. Join us if you can! Immediately following our virtual café, a theological discussion led by Derek Roe will begin at 10:30am and end at 11:30am.
- From your laptop or desktop computer https://zoom.us/j/309686166?pwd=OVZ2VXFUSDV6R2IwM0xTMTd4TEVCdz09, OR
- From your landline telephone or cell phone: (253) 215 8782 then enter the meeting ID: 309 686 166# Password: 399499
- Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aCaOLQbW3
Calling All Teens! This is your invitation to help with worship! On May 17th, we have spots available for anyone in 6th to 12th grade to participate in the worship service! There are spots for: reading prayers, reading scripture, providing special music, ushering (if we are meeting in person then), and more! If you are interested, please contact Derek at youthgroup@firstuc.org. Thanks!
Scholarship OpportunitiesThe Board of Christian Education at First United Church would like to announce three scholarship opportunities for graduating high school seniors this year and one opportunity for students already engaged in post-secondary education. If you or someone you know is interested in being considered for a scholarship, please contact board chair Don Wooldridge (dontylw@gmail.com) or a member of the board. We will send you the application forms, which are due by April 30th. If you have any questions, please contact Don. Thanks!
Derrick Ping Memorial Scholarship: Applicant must be an active participant in the life of First United Church who demonstrates outstanding character through service to the church, community, or his/her family.
Weigand Family Scholarship: The scholarship is to be used to support college tuition costs of graduating high school seniors at First United Church.
The Walling-Troxal Scholarship: The award requires a beginning or continuing undergraduate or graduate student be engaged in studies in education or a closely related field. Preference will be given to applicants who are studying the arts in connection with education, are members of First United Church, identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, are the child of LGBT parents, or are a long-time supporter of/ally to LGBT people.
FIRST UNITED’S SPECIAL COVID-19 FUNDYour Church Council & Board of Outreach have created a special fund to supplement First United’s Love Fund (which is also depleted and invites your support) and assist members and friends who may need help in this time of layoffs and closings. Our Love Fund has strict guidelines and requires referrals from local agencies for disbursement. The unique challenge this crisis presents requires a swifter response and may fall outside our usual Love Fund policies. If you can give a few dollars you might have spent at a favorite restaurant or coffee shop you’re no longer able to go to – we welcome your help, and thank you. You can donate online at: https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/first-united-special-covid-19-fund or send a check payable to First United Church, 2420 E. 3rd, Bloomington, IN 47401, writing “Special COVID-19 Fund” on the memo line. Note: First United Church is registered with GoFundMe as a 501(c3)3 nonprofit. Donors will receive receipts which can be used for tax deductions as are all donations our church receives.