HABITAT THANK YOU! ?Over $3500 was contributed to the Habitat Interfaith Build during the Easter collections. ?Added to special offerings received at Christmas and other gifts, First United has more than met its $10,000 commitment to this project. Thank you for your generosity.?
NOMINATION TIME. The nominating committee would appreciate your prayerful support as it puts together a slate of board members and officers for the congregational election scheduled for Sunday, May 1. Nominations from the congregation will be accepted by any committee member until Sunday, April 24, for members who have agreed to serve. Members of the nomination committee are: Sam Troxal (chair), Laura Kao, Sarah Burton, Hopi Stosberg, and Jeff Prince.
SOLAR FUNDRAISING DINNER. If you can attend a fundraising and solar informational dinner in Roger Williams Hall on either Thursday April 7 or Friday, April 8, please RSVP to the church office: info@firstuc.org or 812-332-4439.?
SACRED CONVERSATION ON RACE.? The 2015 UCC ?Pastoral Letter on Racism: A New Awakening? encourages us to make a ?faithful response to the ongoing manifestation of racism which is evident in tragic and painful ways in our communities.?? Please join us in reflective conversation to inspire us and lead us to actions which we might take both individually and as a congregation.? Our next meeting is this Thursday April 7 at 6:30pm when we will discuss ?Unconscious Assumptions? about race.? For more information, please see Derek Roe or Jo McClamroch.?
MCUM HUNGER GAMES. ?The annual Hunger Games foodraising/fundraising event is underway for the MCUM Food Pantry (see insert). ?Every week during March and April you can bring in food items and place on the large mobile cart near Fellowship Hall.? You are all part of the First United Team.? Last year we came in a very close second place for amount of food/funds raised for this event.
SAVE THE DATE:? MAY 1? ?It’s time to think spring! MCUM’s 10th Annual Spring into Action! Luncheon and Auction is just around the corner. The event will take place on Sunday, May 1, 2016 at the Bloomington/Monroe County Convention Center. Guests will be treated to a delicious hot buffet meal, a silent and live auction, and, most importantly, an opportunity to engage in MCUM’s mission.
Have something to donate to our silent auction? We are currently accepting gift cards, service vouchers (think: car care, haircuts, etc.), sports tickets, and time share stays. Contact Katie to learn more or to donate:? katie@mcum.org
SCRIPTURE READERS NEEDED. We have many openings in April. We cane-mail you the scripture the Friday before so that you will be able to read and prepare for the Sunday service. It is not hard to do and contributes to Sunday worship.? Please sign up on the sheet located outside the Fellowship Hall kitchen or online at www.firstuc.org/signup.?
SIGN UP FOR FLOWERS.? The flower sign-up book has pages for 2016, and is on a table by the kitchen, just waiting for you to choose a date. You will be sent a reminder letter in time to get your dedication in the bulletin.
April through October flowers for the sanctuary will be sourced from a local grower. ? The cost will remain $35.00 per bouquet.? If you prefer to provide your own flowers or wish to have them provided by Marsh or another source, let the church office or Pat Martin know a week in advance.??
COFFEE HOUR HOSTS NEEDED.? We are in need of coffee hour hosts. All the supplies are provided, grab a friend, or someone new to partner with you. It is a great way to provide a service to the church and encourage a sense of community. Won?t you sign up?
MINISTER OF CARE FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 03 IS JEAN PETERS.? A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their homes.