Advent Study Opportunities. Choose one or more ways of ?Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent?. That?s the subtitle of Behold! by Pamela Hawkins, the book that will be used as resource for all of these choices. Invite a Friend.
A Sunday morning church school class at 9:30am on Sundays, Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20 and Jan. 3 will invite us to live with, and to pay attention with new eyes, ears and heart to an Advent word and scripture each week as we ponder and pray together. While having the book can enrich your experience through each week, it is not necessary for this choice. This class will meet in Roger Williams Hall.*
A Sunday afternoon small group will meet on the same Sundays from 3:30-5:30pm in Room 6. This group will have more time to reflect on the readings from the week and will engage in a variety of prayer practices together. We?ll enjoy ?Tea with Savory and Sweet Treats? together each week midsession. You?re encouraged to have and to read the book for this group experience.*
Study on your own. Get the book and use it for your personal and family daily Advent reflections. There will be a couple of ways, for those who would like, to connect with others sometime during Advent.
Attend to the Advent word for each week and reflect on the questions offered. You?ll find these in the bulletin each week during Advent. No book needed.
*Sign up online, in the Fellowship Hall lobby or call the church office, 812-332-4439.??????
Advent Quiet Day. New life grows in the darkness and the silence of Mary?s womb. You?re invited to gather to listen with her to the whispers of God, attend to hope, and find joy. Come away for a day of prayer, silence, reflection, coloring mandalas, creating collage, writing, walking the labyrinth and sharing discoveries. Invite a friend.
Saturday, December 5, 2015 9:00am-3:30pm
First United Church, 2420 East Third Street, Bloomington, IN 47401
Light breakfast items will be served from 9:00 to 9:30 as we gather.
Bring a bag lunch or pre-order a box lunch.?(Let Dawna know)
*Sign up online, in the Fellowship Hall lobby or call the church office, 812-332-4439.