• Sunday Morning Worship – Sundays @ 10:30am; Join Zoom Webinar here
  • Off-Topic Scripture Circle – Mondays @ 10am; Join Zoom Meeting here
  • Morning Café and Discussion – Tuesdays @ 10am;Join Zoom Meeting here
  • Scripture Reader sign up – Click here (needed 07/21 & 07/28)
  • Usher sign up – Click here (needed 07/21, & 07/28)
  • Flowers sign up – Click here
  • Coffee Hour Host sign up – Click here (needed 07/21 & 07/28)
  • Communion Server sign up –Click here
  • Community Kitchen sign up – Click here (needed 07/18)
  • Online Commitment/Pledge Card – Click here
  • Donate to First United Online – Click here
  • First United Vimeo Channel – Click here


Feminist Women’s Book Club

Our feminist women’s book club meets after worship on the second Sunday of the month in Roger Williams Hall and via Zoom. We are women who have a lively discussion starting at 12noon, for about an hour. We read recent fiction “by women, for women or about women.” Members are equally split among women from our church and the community. Feminist women of all ages are invited to join us. Our July 14th book selection is “The Sentence” by Louise Erdrich. This Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award–winning author Louise Erdrich creates a wickedly funny ghost story, a tale of passion, of a complex marriage, and of a woman’s relentless errors. Check out our book club’s Pinterest listing: http://pinterest.com/reginammoore/feminist-book-club/. For Zoom information or more information about the book club contact facilitator Cindy Stone, stonec@indiana.edu.

Volunteer with Community Kitchen

First United has a long history of volunteering with and financially supporting Community Kitchen of Monroe County. We are now volunteering there on the third Thursday of the month, 3:30pm-6:30pm. Our next shift will be on July 18th. This is a good way to build community within and outside of our church. To volunteer this month or subsequent months, contact Laurie Eynon (leynon73@icloud.com or (812) 336-1219); she will sign you up or put you on the call list, whatever works for you. Thank you!


Happy Birthday!

Please remember in your prayers and give thanks for those who will be celebrating their birthdays in the week ahead: Rebecca Keith (July 15) and Ben Keller (July 20). We are blessed to have you in our lives!

A Thank You Note from the Church Office

It does my heart good when I send out a plea for volunteers, and the response is immediate. I am so happy! I think about all the volunteers it takes to run this church and the gratitude I have for each and every one of those volunteers—from Church Council to all the boards, nursery, CLT, running the sound and video, the ushers, scripture readers, coffee hour hosts, flower providers, and to all who help with the upkeep of the church grounds. It takes a village! Thank you all! I may not say it, but I am sure grateful when I see your names and know you keep this church running!

A Heads-Up regarding Head Start

We have been grateful to support the impactful work of Head Start over the past several months providing space for two classrooms, an office, and storage following their displacement caused by water damage at another site. And, we will be sad to see them go as they return to their original site at the start of the new school year. Head Start will hold their final classes in First United’s building on July 26th, and they will move out from the building completely by August 9th. We wish them all the best with their move and look forward to supporting their work in other ways into the future.

Thriving Connections Ally Opportunity

Have you ever wondered how people break the cycle of poverty? Are you interested in forming meaningful relationships with people working their way out of poverty with support from Thriving Connections staff and experienced volunteers? Have you ever wanted to be part of a diverse group, working to find community solutions, but weren’t sure where to begin? If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, then consider becoming a Thriving Connections Ally.

Thriving Connections, an initiative of the South Central Community Action Program (SCCAP), is a multi-generational community of diverse people cultivating intentional relationships across economic class. The TC community is a safe harbor where the focus is on achieving financial, emotional, mental, physical, social, and spiritual growth.

As a Thriving Connections Ally, you will provide friendship, encouragement, and advocacy to motivated participants working towards their personal goals. You and your group, called a Crew, consisting of one person or family working their way out of poverty, called a Captain, and at least two other Allies, will work together to accomplish specific goals set by the Captain in order to increase his or her resources. As you walk alongside your Captain, you will provide valuable knowledge and insight relating to a variety of life circumstances, whether it is financial or educational input, or social connections and networking. You will use your own knowledge and life experiences to help make a difference in the lives of Captains. You will also learn to see poverty in a different light, dispelling stereotypes about people who live in poverty.

If you are interested in making a direct difference in the life of a family and in our community, please consider attending an information session via Zoom to learn more about becoming a TC Ally at 1pm on Sunday, July 14th, or Sunday, July 28th. RSVP here.


Sunday Morning Hybrid Worship

Join us for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30am. During this Sunday’s service,  Rev. Jessica Petersen-Mutai will invite us to engage in reflecting on gentleness and humility as we continue our focus on rest. David Murphree will present the day’s scripture and serve as our congregational lead. Additionally, Mitchell Farmer will share some of the many ways we are invited to engage in the life of the church and our wider community. Eric Meincke and Hansol Kim will lead us in song, and Emily Mathes will offer special music. Kim Yaussy Albright, Phyllis Eads, and Dave Meyer will offer a warm welcome to all those who will gather in the sanctuary. And, Kyle Hetrick and Dave Meyer will welcome all who join via Zoom as they ensure the audio/visual pieces run as smoothly as possible. Laura Kao will provide a beautiful floral arrangement in honor of Addy and Antonio’s wedding in June. Finally, be sure to join us in Fellowship Hall after worship for a time of fellowship and refreshment hosted by Ted Wininger.

Join the Zoom Webinar by clicking here

Dial-in number: (312) 626-6799; Webinar ID: 828 3681 0281

The service will be posted on Sunday evening on First United’s Vimeo channel (where you can access all of our previous worship services).

Donate online by clicking here

Invitation to Offer Summer Music

The Vocal and Bell Choirs are currently taking a break from rehearsing regularly until August. This hiatus offers a wonderful opportunity for members and friends of First United to share your creative gifts with our congregation. There are a good number of possibilities still available for the coming months.Please reach out to Eric Meincke (ericdmeincke@gmail.com) if you are interested!


Keeping Up with Our Congregation

One of the gifts of being part of a community of faith is that we don’t face the ups and downs and middles of life alone. We invite you to share what is going on in your lives by contacting Lisa Stanger and/or Pastor Jessica so we can appropriately share information (with your permission) with our wider community of care that we might offer our support whatever you may be facing.

You are encouraged to offer your prayers and actions of support for:

  • Anne Wright (Mary’s sister)
  • Sara Cole
  • Sam Troxal
  • Danielle Sheets Ivey
  • Lisa Kwong
  • Christopher Meincke (Eric’s brother)
  • Jeanne and Norm Overly

Bloomington Refugee Support Network (RSN)

Throughout 2024, the Board of Outreach invites you to offer support to a variety of local organizations and ministries through monthly special offerings. On Sunday, July 21st, a special offering will be received to support the Bloomington Refugee Support Network, and Silva McNair will join us to share about the meaningful impact of their work.

The Joy of Hosting

Our Member Relations Committee continues to offer support to weekly coffee hour hosts and encourage everyone to sign up to host—it’s easy, fun, and a great way to serve your church family with a one-time commitment. Sign up as buddies or families, invite someone you’ve been wanting to get to know, use the occasion to showcase a family recipe or try out a new one. Sign up to host by clicking here.

People’s Market

First United houses the People’s Cooperative Market in our Fellowship Hall regularly each Saturday, 9:00am-1:00pm. The People’s Market is an intersectional anti-racism farmers market and artisan vendor space that focuses on food justice work. All are welcome to attend the Saturday markets and/or order from their online CSA for pickup or delivery; food is always made available to anyone in need. You are also encouraged to consider volunteering with People’s Market; if interested, contact them directly at peoplesmarketmanager@gmail.com. Additionally, if you were unable to attend their recent transparency meeting, you are invited to watch it here (via YouTube).


Off-Topic Scripture Circle

You are invited to join members and friends of First United via Zoom (click here) each Monday morning at 10am to check in and explore the week’s lectionary scripture readings in a casual setting where you will never be asked to leave your brain or your heart at the door.

Tuesday Morning Café and Discussion

Join us in person or online Tuesdays at 10am-11:30am as we gather for a time of informal conversation followed by thought-provoking theological study and discussion. We are currently in the midst of a 24-sesson study: “The History and Archeology of the Bible” with Dr. Jean-Pierre Isbouts. Previous participation and perfect attendance are not required. Those interested and able are welcome to gather in Roger Williams Hall; those choosing to join online via Zoom can do so here.

Nursery Care

Our youngest children are welcome to spend time from 10am-11:45am playing in the nursery or on the playground, weather permitting. Brishna Arman and Lena Stosberg will ensure our little ones are safe and engaged in fun activities during worship this Sunday. We are always looking for additional volunteer assistants to help in the nursery occasionally. Contact Molly Koontz if you are interested and with any questions.

No Children’s Learning Time in July

There will be no Children’s Learning Time during the month of July. Young children will be welcome in the nursery, while all children are invited to remain in worship for the duration of the service. The Play+Pray Space is available for use by children (and any interested adults) throughout the service. CLT will resume August 4th.

We continue to welcome and encourage additional adults to join our teaching rotation to enrich the program for the kids. Lesson materials and supplies are provided, and we have seasoned leaders to help you get acclimated. If you are interested or have questions, please reach out to Molly Koontz, Pastor Jessica, or any member of the Board of Education.


Opportunities for Ministry

At the annual meeting, three new projects offering us opportunities to become more fully a community hub (a theme arising from the spring discernment survey) were introduced, and you are encouraged to consider which of them you are feeling called to be a part of: the Website Working Group (revamping our website to invite and empower more people to join us in living out our mission and values), the Accessible to All Working Group (a process and designation developed by the UCC Disabilities Ministries), and the Sacred Grounds Working Group (a program offered through the National Wildlife Federation). If you are interested in actively participating in one or more of these projects, please write your name on a piece of paper and place it in the corresponding vase(s) located on the table inside the church Sanctuary. If these projects do not garner enough interest, we will postpone them until a future time or consider different projects that better align with our congregation’s interests and capacities. The vases will be available through July 21st. If you are not able to make it to the Sanctuary to indicate your interest by that time, please contact Mitchell Farmer or Pastor Jessica sharing the project(s) you would like to help with.

UCC IKC Annual Gathering 2024

As we celebrate a significant milestone in our collective journey, it is with great joy and anticipation that you are invited to join with our wider UCC family for the IKC Annual Gathering including the celebrating of the 60th anniversary of the Indiana Kentucky Conference. This momentous occasion is not just a commemoration of our past, but a celebration of the enduring spirit of loving and serving like Jesus that has guided us through six decades of service, fellowship, and faith. This year’s gathering will be held August 23rd-24th at St. Mark’s United Church of Christ (222 E Spring St, New Albany, IN 47150). More information and registration materials (deadline for meals and hotels, August 1st) are available here. Contact Pastor Jessica if you are interested in attending as a delegate from First United.

2024 Offering Envelopes and Direct Deposit

We are using leftover 2023 offering envelope boxes for 2024. Envelope boxes are available on a table outside of the Sanctuary entrance closest to the chancel. Whether you’ve used them before or this is your first time, you are welcome to pick up a box! Alternatively, if you would like to give to the church through direct deposit, please contact Lisa in the office to make sure she knows you would like to give in this convenient way and has your updated information.

Contact Information