Hi, all.
Unfortunately, I continue to be under the weather today (with how gorgeous it is outside; it sure doesn’t take much!). While I rest and seek to recover, I didn’t want to leave you with a musing-less Monday. So, for this week’s musing material, I encourage you to begin to consider the resolutions that will come to the UCC’s General Synod this summer as they gather in Indianapolis. You’ll recall that this body, made up of delegates from across the UCC, does not speak for the denomination as a whole but seeks to speak to the various entities that make up the United Church of Christ (local churches, Associations, Conferences, etc.). With that in mind, you are invited to muse on the matters to be brought before the UCC side of our wider church family at https://www.ucc.org/synod-resolutions-move-to-ucc-board-create-space-for-holy-spirit-to-be-at-work/.
All my best,