- Off-Topic Scripture Circle – Sundays @ 9am; Join Zoom Meeting here
- Sunday Morning Worship – Sundays @ 10:30am; Join Zoom Meeting here
- Virtual Café and Adult Discussion – Tuesdays @ 10am;Join Zoom Meeting here
- Midweek Eastertide Services – Wednesdays @ 12:30pm; Sign up here
- Ecumenical Progressive Christianity Conversations – Wednesdays @ 3pm; Join Zoom Meeting here
- Food Train –Stosberg family, sign up here
Special Congregational Meeting
A special meeting of the congregation will be held on Sunday, May 16th immediately following worship. Three items will be put before the congregation for a vote:
- The Nominating Committee’s Slate of Officers and new Board Members,
- A Council-approved Land Acknowledgement from the Racial Justice Working Group, and
- The Council-approved recommendation of the Memorial Endowment Committee and Finance Committee to transfer the full value of the combined investment funds of the church to United Church Funds by December 31st, 2021.
Outdoor Vespers
You are invited to gather on the lovely green space behind the church building two Sunday evenings during May for outdoor vespers. These evening services will begin at 5pm on Sundays, May 16th and 23rd. We will worship using Marty Haugen’s Holden Evening Prayer. This predominantly-sung service uses contemporary and inclusive language and offers space for quiet meditation, spoken prayer, and the presentation of scripture. A children’s book will also be shared for the young and young at heart among us.
The sound system will need to be set up outside to facilitate these services. If you are willing and able to help with the set up (with and under the guidance of those who have done it before), please contact Rev. Petersen-Mutai.
Monroe County CASA – Virtual Lunch & Learn
Monroe County CASA invites you to participate in a virtual Lunch and Learn for potential volunteers on May 11th starting at 12 pm on Zoom. Monroe County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) provides advocacy for children who are involved in abuse or neglect cases in the Monroe County court system. If you have ever considered becoming a CASA volunteer or board member, this event is for you! During this hour-long session, you’ll be able to talk to current volunteers and staff members about what it is like to be a CASA volunteer. The number of children assigned to the CASA program by the court continues to grow, so additional volunteers are needed! To receive an invitation to the Zoom meeting, email amber.shride@monroecountycasa.org or look under the events tab at facebook.com/monroecountycasa
Sunday Morning Worship
Join us for worship each Sunday morning at 10:30am (10am Log in). This week’s Sunday service will feature Derek Roe, M.Div., in the pulpit, a message from Rebecca Keith for the young and young at heart, moving music from Sam Grace and Hansol Kim, and a special music offering from the First United Bell Choir. We will not have communion this Sunday but have moved our monthly celebration to next Sunday, May 9th when Rev. Petersen-Mutai will be able to preside at table.
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here
Dial-in number: (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID: 946 3570 8633; Passcode: 879535
The service will be posted late Sunday afternoon on First United’s Vimeo channel (where you can access all of our previous worship services).
Donate online at: firstuc.online/donate
Midweek Eastertide Services
Throughout Eastertide (the season following Easter leading up to Pentecost) you are invited to gather for in-person, outdoor services in First United’s Courtyard. These short services (15-20 minutes) will include readings, prayers, and music to help you celebrate resurrection and give thanks for the new life that is springing up all around us. Services will be offered on Wednesdays @ 12:30pm (thru May 19th). Masks and distancing are required. Participation will be limited to 15 people. Sign up here to reserve your place or contact Lisa in the church office.
Indoor Worship Update
During their April 21st meeting, the Church Council voted to safely open the sanctuary for Sunday services to 15 adults beginning June 6th. Additional information will be forthcoming.
Ministers of Care
The Ministers of Care group is seeking people who would like to visit one or two older church members about once a month in their homes (or to connect over the phone as concerns regarding COVID-19 persist). These visits could last about 20-30 minutes and would be scheduled at your convenience. If you would like to learn more about this meaningful ministry, please contact Sarah Burton (812-361-6201 or burtonsp@indiana.edu).
Food for Our Church Family
The Stosberg family needs the support of our church family. Mark’s mother received a terminal cancer diagnosis, and the caretaking needs in their extended family are great. If you can provide food (primarily vegetarian) for 1-6 people in the coming weeks, please sign up here.
First United’s Special COVID-19 Fund Applications
If you have a relationship with First United Church, you may apply for assistance for economic hardship caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Contact Sharon McCann at 1041sharon@gmail.com for an application form and instructions to apply for Covid-19-related assistance.
Off-Topic Scripture Circle
Want to read and discuss the week’s scripture readings with friends before church in a casual setting where you will never be asked to leave your brain or your heart at the door? We have the place for you! Click below to join us, Sunday mornings 9am-10am.
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here
Dial-in number: (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID: 896 7762 0237; Passcode: 043604
Tuesday Virtual Café and Adult Discussion
Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and join us at 10am-11:30am each Tuesday for a time of informal conversation followed by thought-provoking theological study and discussion. The group is currently exploring the video series Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad presented by Prof. Mark Muesse. This week Prof. Muesse will offer the second of three lectures comparing and contrasting the four sages he has introduced throughout the series. We will be starting a new series (TBD) on Tuesday, May 18th. If you haven’t joined the group before, that would be a great time to start!
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking here
Dial-in number: (253) 215-8782; Meeting ID: 895 0519 1798; Passcode: 624328
Children’s Learning Time
Derek continues to send out weekly CLT email lessons that families can engage with together, including craft and activity resources. The weekly videos are on hiatus due to technology challenges. Please contact Derek Roe with feedback or questions!
KukSunDo Classes Resume
Youshin Choi has begun offering virtual KukSunDo (Korean Yoga, Meditation and Martial Arts) classes. Participants may join the class flexibly, joining any of the warm-up exercise, meditation, and cool-down exercises or the full 1-hour course.
- Evening sessions: M/W/F 5:00pm EDT
- Morning sessions: T/Th/Sa 6:00am EDT
Classes are recorded on Zoom or YouTube, so you can repeat or play anytime you miss class. Feel free to invite friends or family to any session. You may text Youshin directly at 812-325-0898 to obtain the Zoom link.
Ecumenical Progressive Christianity Conversations
The Board of Christian Education suggests that you check out a weekly ecumenical conversation on Progressive Christianity hosted by David Garshaw each Wednesday, 3:00pm-4:30pm. For more information about the group, contact David Garshaw (dgarshaw@sbcglobal.net). To join a Wednesday afternoon session on Zoom, click here. (Note: David Garshaw is a regular participant in our weekly Tuesday morning Virtual Café and Adult Discussion.)
Church Leadership Update
Tom Busey has resigned as Vice President, with the full support and gratitude of the congregation. At the April 21st meeting, Church Council elected Rebecca Keith to the office of Vice President in accordance with our bylaws. We thank her for her willingness to serve and offer our prayers and support as she steps into this new role.
Lawnmowers Wanted!
Spring has sprung, and the grass is growing! The Board of Building and Grounds is looking for volunteers who are interested in helping keep our grass looking welcoming as we gather for in-person, outdoor activities. All necessary equipment is provided. Please contact Ted Wininger (twininger68@gmail.com) if you are interested in joining our rotation of mowers.
Announcements Deadline
If you would like an announcement included in the weekly church email, please have your item to Lisa by noon on the Wednesday before.
Contact Information
- Rev. Jessica Petersen-Mutai, Senior Minister – revpetersenmutai@firstuc.org; 812-727-4414 (Friday & Saturday off; emergency calls only)
- Derek Roe, Assistant Minister for Children & Youth Faith Formation – faithformation@firstuc.org
- Lisa Stanger, Office Manager – info@firstuc.org
Sam Grace, Music Director – samuel.c.grace@gmail.com