I’ve always been a doer, one of those ‘check it off the box’ people who enjoys working ahead. I keep my email inboxes clean, and I have a yellow legal pad where I write down tasks and cross them off when they’re done. Type A, am I right? There’s obviously an unhealthy consequence to living too much into this personality. If I’m not careful, I find I am always seeking something I can check off the list, even if it’s at the expense of my physical, mental, or spiritual health. You probably know Megan and I are expecting a baby any day. We have checked our boxes. I’ve worked ahead on assignments and tasks. There’s nothing left for us to do except…wait…and that’s left me twiddling my thumbs a bit when I could be resting or in prayer.
During Lent worship this year, I have really enjoyed the centering prayer time Pastor Jessica has led. Spending five to seven minutes alone or in silence has never been a challenge for me, but maintaining a spiritual or mental intention is. I wonder if you have enjoyed this time, too? In what ways do you benefit from quiet, prayerful intention? May God’s peace be with you all as we approach Holy Week and Easter.
-Sam Grace