VISIT WITH PAT BRIGGS. Sarah Burton will be visiting with Pat Briggs in North Carolina next week. ?If anyone would like to send her a card or note, you can give it to Sarah at church this Sunday (2/24)

MCUM Food Pantry is in dire need of peanut butter, cereal, and helper type meals. Please donate as you are able.??

SHOUT OUT FOR COFFEE HOUR HOSTS?If you are someone who has never hosted Coffee Hour, but would if you knew what is involved, this information is for you!!

As of this writing, no one has signed up to host any future Coffee Hours. Of course, there are a number of ?old faithfuls? who never let me down when Lisa sends out an SOS for an upcoming Sunday, and for that, I am thankful beyond words. But? to eliminate ?burn out? for those gracious folks, I need to recruit (entice, beg, or bribe) some new people to assist in this endeavor.

TODAY, I will serve Coffee Hour and invite any and all who would like to learn more about ?how to? do this, to join me. During the closing hymn, please ?come on down? to the Fellowship Hall kitchen, and I will show you the ropes, and you can help serve coffee or punch, or simply observe.

(Meanwhile, ANYONE: please feel free to sign up for a future Coffee Hour!!)

Thanks, Malissa Sparks?

Jail BINGO – a program of First United and New Leaf – New Life. For February, as part of our support for New Leaf – New Life, a program for the incarcerated and previously incarcerated residents, we will be collecting toiletries in a box in the narthex all month. Bring full-sized bath soap, tooth paste, stick deodorants and shampoo for distribution in the Jail on BINGO nights. Bring joy at a place that sees little joy. For More Information: contact Dave Meyer at


2-3 Sundays a Month

9:15-11:45 a.m.

Please email if you’re interested or know someone who might be interested in this position.

?POT LUCK SUNDAYS. ?Third Sunday Potlucks are almost always on third Sundays in 2019. ?Plan to bring a dish to share and to stay after worship service on March 17, and April 14. ?We’ll eat in Fellowship Hall shortly after the service ends.??

SPIRITUAL READING GROUP.? We will have a meeting on?March16th with a new book, The Disordered Minding?by Eric R. Kandel who is a recipient of the 2000 Nobel Prize for his research on the physiological basis of memory storage in neurons. This book is for the general readers. Through reading this, we will deepen our understanding of thought, feeling, behavior, memory, and creativity and understand the big question of how billions of neurons generate consciousness itself for spirituality cultivation. Chapter 1 and 2 will be discussed on March 16th. All are welcome to attend. Bring your questions! For more information, please contact YouShin Choi ( Time: 11:00-12:30, Place: Roger Williams?Hall?

THE COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT is trying to get high resolution pictures taken in and around our church building. We want to use them on the website and/or as artwork for cards that would be used in US mail.??Pictures should avoid children’s faces unless parental permission is obtained, and except for church leadership, we’ll want to get permission generally of the group being photographed and to honor specific requests not to be in pictures. ??We want pictures that?reflect our church in action, not portraits of individuals. ?Can you help us with this task, either by taking pictures or by knowing what you want to answer if asked if it’s okay that you are in a picture? ?Questions or pictures to share: ?contact Laura Kao e-mail: ?

NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The nominating committee has started meeting to discuss several service openings in the church.? Committee members are Laura Kao (Chair), Catherine Gray, Moureen Coulter (Board of Building & Grounds), Jennifer Fultz (Board of Christian Education), Sam Troxal (Board of Outreach), and Jim True (Board of Christian Worship).? Be sure to talk with any of them about what serving on a church board entails.

Also, let them know if you are willing to be considered for nomination.

2ND SPIRITUALITY FORUM: ?Evolution, Life and Spirituality?

Speaker: Dr. David Dilcher, Place: Roger Williams Hall

Join us in a monthly conversation to share your unique experiences and perspective on spirituality in your daily life. At each meeting, an invited speaker will share how they relate spirituality to their personal and/or professional lives within 45 minutes, then open up the floor for questions and discussion. The tone of speech is conversational rather than academic.

Time: March 6th, 7:30-9:00 P.M. (7:00-7:30: Ash Wed Service)

If you have any question or if you want to invite any speaker, please contact Youshin Choi

CENTERING PRAYER. Why not make some time for yourself in the New Year? Join us for A Time of Centering (Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:15 in the chapel.) Learn and practice techniques to be present and seek the presence of God in a nurturing space with compassionate people. Always running late? Can’t come every Sunday? Join us anyway.

FREE KOREAN YOGA (KUKSUNDO) CLASS. KukSunDo is a traditional Korean yoga and meditation for the mind, body, and spirit. Just bring your yoga mat.

Days, Time and Place:

Monday, Fri. 9:30 ? 11:00,?Wednesday 5:30 ? 7:00 Saturday 10:00 ? 11:30, Roger Williams Hall in First United Church Questions? Contact YouShin Choi,

MINISTER OF CARE FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 24, IS SARAH BURTON.? A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.