SCRIPTURE READERS NEEDED FOR ALL OF JULY.?If you’d like to read scripture during our Sunday morning worship, please sign up by the Fellowship Hall kitchen. We love having people of all ages be a part of worship in this special way. Our Office Manager will e-mail you the NRSV version of the scriptures the Friday before you read. This is a great way to participate in the Sunday service.

SUNDAY FLOWER ANNOUNCEMENT:?The sign-up book for 2018 flower donations is available in the lobby of Fellowship Hall.? It empty for the month of July, so please sign up for your choice of dates, or just choose any Sunday to provide flowers for the sanctuary.? Your donations are appreciated and the flowers are yours to take home following worship.? Thanks.

NEEDED: COFFEE HOUR?host(s) may volunteer by signing up on the pad in the Fellowship Hall Foyer. Treats are provided by the Board of Worship and Kitchen Committee, but special goodies, especially in celebration of a noteworthy occasion, are always appreciated but never an obligation. If you have never been a Coffee Hour host(s), please sign up and indicate whether you wish to be paired with an experienced kitchen helper.? Contact Malissa Sparks? any questions??

HELPING TO BEAUTIFY THE GROUNDS.? Have an hour to work outdoors? Contact Laura Kao to find a task and arrange a time. Weeding, dead-heading flowers, trimming bushes, painting a rail. We? could work together.?

MONTHLY POTLUCKS.? Bring yourself and a dish for food and fellowship. Potlucks will be after service on the following dates: July 15, August 19, September 16, October 21, November 18, and December 16.

To help ensure a diverse food offering at the potluck, let us know what type of dish you are bringing. There is a sign-up sheet on the table outside the kitchen. Questions? Contact Laura Kao or Hopi Stosberg


DISCIPLE is an exciting Bible study opportunity to explore the Bible and your faith while surrounded by, encouraged by, and challenged by others in the class. This class is not meant to offer answers but encourages you to develop and explore your own questions.

DISCIPLE is a program of disciplined Bible study aimed at developing bold Christian leaders. DISCIPLE draws on the work of scholars, personal Bible reading and study, and dynamic group discussion to aid in understanding the Bible and how it relates to live out your values. DISCIPLE will begin in September for 34 weeks with breaks and complete in May.

For more information please click the link below or contact Sam Troxal 812-361-6172:?…anual/

?FREE KOREAN YOGA (KUKSUNDO) CLASS. KukSunDo is a traditional Korean yoga and meditation for the mind, body, and spirit. You will practice cultivating your self-awareness through stretching, breathing and meditation. All movements are intentional, and the practice is a time to pause and focus on what is happening internally, spiritually, and physically. Just bring your yoga mat.

Days, Time and Place

Monday, Fri. 9:30 ? 11:00,?Wednesday 5:30 ? 7:00, Saturday 10:00 ? 11:30, Roger Williams Room in First United Church?Questions? Contact Laura Kao,

MINISTER OF CARE FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 24, IS JEAN PETERS.? A minister of care is a church volunteer who visits members in their home.