by Lisa Stanger | Nov 18, 2016 | Sunday Announcements
JUSTICE SUNDAY – THIS SUNDAY! Our first monthly Justice Sunday is this Sunday! Last week, the congregation was asked to write personal letters to our newly elected Senator Todd Young and Congressman Trey Hollingsworth regarding the recent uptick in racist,...
by Lisa Stanger | Nov 14, 2016 | Uncategorized
Sermon, November 13, 2016 The Rev. Dr. Jack E. Skiles This has been a week for me to put into play my most sacred spiritual practices.? Starting late Tuesday evening as the voting trends began seeming obvious?, I stole away to be by myself.? Several of us had gathered...
by Lisa Stanger | Nov 11, 2016 | Sunday Announcements
OUTREACH OPPORTUNITIES ? HARVEST INGATHERING November is Harvest Ingathering and an opportunity to help others who need help putting enough on their tables during the holidays–at a time when food pantries typically run low. Donations will be collected through...