Drop-In Groups

Drop-In Groups

Looking for an informal way to spend time with others from First United? Our drop-in groups may fit your schedule perfectly. Unlike our covenant groups, these do not require a commitment from you. Instead, you may come when your schedule allows and enjoy an opportunity to visit, meet new people, and explore shared interests. Don?t see the right group for you? Maybe it?s time to start a new one!

Feminist Women?s Book Club
Typically meets the second Sunday of the month at noon in Roger Williams
E-mail?Cindy?before attending to verify the date, because the group takes breaks for holidays.

In 2011, a feminist book club was created at First United. The group meets at noon following Sunday morning worship once a month in Roger Williams Hall.? The group consists of progressive feminist women from the church and the Bloomington community at large. Women of all ages are invited and can join at any time.

The group focuses primarily on contemporary women?s fiction and feminist writing over a wide range of topics.? The club members do read and faithfully discuss the book choice each month.? Recent selections have included?The Color Purple, The Dovekeepers, Mists of Avalon, The Tiger?s Wife, Little Bee, Room,?and?State of Wonder.

If you?re interested, please attend and try the club out for a month or two.? The group typically meets the second Sunday each month at noon following Sunday morning worship.? However, occasional holidays or conflicts arise, and you should check with the church office or e-mail the group before attending the first time to verify the date and book selection.? Discussion is led by the club members, and the facilitator is Cindy Stone.

Grief Group
Meets at various times
Contact?Pat Martin?to be notified of upcoming meetings

We understand grieving as a process that happens to all of us. We often think of losing a life partner, child, or parent, but grief can also be brought on by the changes that occur within ourselves at any major life transition. This is a group that meets periodically to talk about grief and the ways our congregation can support those who are grieving. Some members are actively grieving a recent loss and others have been on their journey for quite some time.

Hiking Group
Various Sunday afternoons, departs from the church parking lot at 2:00 p.m.
Led by Al and Kathy Ruesink

If you?re a ?nature type? or if you?ve never been on a hike but want to learn from those who do it regularly, this is the place for you. Join us as we explore natural areas. Potential hiking locations include Griffey, Bean Blossom Bottoms, Paynetown, McCormick?s Creek, Brown County State Park, Morgan-Monroe State Forest, the Deam Wilderness and more.?Contact Al?if you have questions or want to know more about upcoming hikes.

Library Workers
Wednesdays from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the Church Library
Organizer is Patti Pizzo

Gather with others who care about our church library as we catalog books and keep our library up to date. Tea and a light snack are always served with a side of conversation about current events in Bloomington and the world. For more information, contact the?church office.

Meet the Parents
2nd Sunday of the month from 9:30-10:30 a.m.
Facilitated by Jacque Soderquist

Join other parents as we get to know each other better and talk about a variety of topics. You may also be interested in joining our?Facebook group?to keep updated on parent-related activities at First United. Child care is provided in our nursery for children 3 and under. Kids aged 3 to 5th grade can participate in KidsWorship. For more information about the group or to suggest a topic, contact?Jacque Soderquist.

Monday Book Group
3rd Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in Roger Williams (no meetings in December or July)
Organizer is Nora Sullivan

For more information, contact Nora Sullivan, Jean Peters or the?church office.

Tuesday Morning Pastor?s Study
Tuesdays from 10:00 ? 11:30 a.m. in Room 6
Led by Rev. Dr. Jack Skiles

This group meets for 1.5 hours weekly and studies a wide array of biblical, theological, and social issues.? Last year, our focus was on Lost Christianities ? those early Christian faith expressions/groups that were alive and well in the early centuries of Christianity that no longer exist. Some weeks, it is not uncommon for us to deal with issues that have arisen in our daily journeys and to discuss them from our group?s many varied faith perspectives.? This fall?s group will deal with issues ranging from the source of evil, the ongoing quest to know the historical Jesus, and a look at the biggest faith heroes and heroines from the perspective of a famous New Testament professor who happens to be Jewish.? Each week is complete in itself.? Participants may easily come and go as schedules permit.? Food, coffee, and tea are always served fresh and with a smile.

Mondays at 8:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall *** Yoga is temporarily cancelled. We will let you know when it will resume.***

Do you have a Yoga practice or would you like to start one?? Practice together on Mondays at 8:30 am in Fellowship Hall.? Bring a Yoga mat, a blanket (like a wool camp blanket) and a small bath towel.? We?ll begin slowly and mindfully.? Questions?? Talk to Kathy Ruesink or the?church office.

Learn more about other groups for adults at First United.