OFF TOPIC SCRIPTURE CIRCLE (formerly Lectionary Discussion) Want to read and discuss the week's scripture readings with friends before church in a casual setting where you will never be asked to leave your brain or your heart at the door? We have the place for you! Click below to join us, Sunday mornings 9-10am. Join […]
Racial Justice Working Group at First United The Boards of Outreach and Christian Education have formed a racial justice working group, focusing on how we can respond meaningfully as individuals and as a faith community to systemic racism. All are welcome, and we especially encourage participation from minority voices, whether as a member of this group […]
VIRTUAL CAFÉ and TUESDAY ADULT DISCUSSION Tuesdays10:00am Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and join us for the Tuesday Adult Discussion group led by Derek Roe as we begin a new video series: Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad presented by Prof. Mark Muesse. We hope to see you there! Discussions range over many […]
Justice Forum: Climate Change, Climate Justice, and What We Can Do About It. November 17, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Format: Zoom meeting. Three 10-minute video presentations, each followed by a 20-minute discussion. Join the meeting from computer or smart mobile: Meeting ID: 863 2016 3075; For Phone only: 1 646 558 […]
Yard Work Morning, 8 a.m. till no later than 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 21 Come for all or part of the morning to help prepare our grounds for the winter. We will work outdoors at a good social distance: raking, weeding, tidying. Questions? Contact Ted Wininger (