Sunday Worship
ZoomJOIN US FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP!! at 10:30am. Log in to Zoom at 10am. Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 946 3570 8633 Password: 879535
JOIN US FOR SUNDAY WORSHIP!! at 10:30am. Log in to Zoom at 10am. Zoom Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 946 3570 8633 Password: 879535
VIRTUAL CAFÉ and TUESDAY ADULT DISCUSSION Tuesdays10:00am Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea and join us for the Tuesday Adult Discussion group led by Derek Roe as we begin a new video series: Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad presented by Prof. Mark Muesse. We hope to see you there! Discussions range over many […]
ZOOM LISTENING SESSIONS THURSDAY, OCT. 1 (7 p.m.) and TUESDAY, OCT 6 (2 p.m.) In preparation to welcome Pastor Jessica this fall, our UCC and ABC Conferences are hosting small-group listening opportunities to share joys, hopes, and dreams, as well as concerns, for our ministry together. Signup information to follow.