Drive-in/Outdoor Vesper Service

Outside 2420 E Third St, Bloomington, IN, United States

Drive-In/Outdoor Vesper Service September 27th Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 27th at 5:00pm for an opportunity to worship (distantly) together in person. Rev. Krueger will offer a 30-minute evening vesper service from the First United grounds. You will be able to participate from your car while listening to a special radio channel, or bring […]

Event Series Progressive Christianity Series Tuesdays

Progressive Christianity Series Tuesdays


Progressive Christianity Series Tuesdays 6:30—8 p.m. September 29, October 27, December 1 From your laptop or computer Session 2 – September 29: “What is Progressive Christianity, Socially & Ethically Speaking?” Session 3 – October 27: “What Might Characterize Progressive Christianity in Worship?” Session 4 – December 1: “Tenets of the Faith in Progressive Christian […]

Zoom Listening Sessions


ZOOM LISTENING SESSIONS THURSDAY, OCT. 1 (7 p.m.) and TUESDAY, OCT 6 (2 p.m.) In preparation to welcome Pastor Jessica this fall, our UCC and ABC Conferences are hosting small-group listening opportunities to share joys, hopes, and dreams, as well as concerns, for our ministry together.  Signup information to follow.