First United houses the People’s Cooperative Market in our Fellowship Hall on Saturdays. During the winter season, the market is open every Saturday, 10am-2pm, to pick up fresh, locally-grown produce. They also continuing to pack and deliver CSA every Saturday though offer a more limited schedule for fuller market days. The People’s Market is an […]
Members and friends of First United of all ages and family configurations (and your friends and family) are encouraged to gather for Pizza & Play (informal, unprogrammed fun and fellowship in Fellowship Hall and surrounding areas) on the first Friday of the month from 5:30pm-7:30pm. As the name implies, pizza, drinks, and dessert will be provided. […]
First United houses the People’s Cooperative Market in our Fellowship Hall on Saturdays. During the winter season, the market is open every Saturday, 10am-2pm, to pick up fresh, locally-grown produce. They also continuing to pack and deliver CSA every Saturday though offer a more limited schedule for fuller market days. The People’s Market is an […]
First United houses the People’s Cooperative Market in our Fellowship Hall on Saturdays. During the winter season, the market is open every Saturday, 10am-2pm, to pick up fresh, locally-grown produce. They also continuing to pack and deliver CSA every Saturday though offer a more limited schedule for fuller market days. The People’s Market is an […]
First United houses the People’s Cooperative Market in our Fellowship Hall on Saturdays. During the winter season, the market is open every Saturday, 10am-2pm, to pick up fresh, locally-grown produce. They also continuing to pack and deliver CSA every Saturday though offer a more limited schedule for fuller market days. The People’s Market is an […]
Dr. Helfand is perhaps the world's leading voice warning of the extreme danger of nuclear weapons and calling for their global abolition. An emergency room physician by training, he recognizes nuclear weapons as the world's greatest public health emergency. He is a member of the International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons […]