

Children at First United Church

Children are a vital part of our congregation and are invited to participate at all levels. We love to have children serve communion, read Scripture, serve as ushers, teach younger children, help with coffee hour, and more.

Do you have questions about Christian education for children? Contact our Board of Christian Education.


Our nursery provides a safe, nurturing, and positive environment for children from birth to age three. Each Sunday, the nursery is staffed by two trained, background-checked childcare workers and is open from 9:15 a.m. until 11:45am. Cloth diapers are welcomed, and our staff is happy to give your baby a bottle or notify you when your baby needs to nurse.

Children’s Learning Time

During worship each week, the children are invited to the front for a conversation with our staff and then are dismissed to Children?s Learning Time. Children ages three through fifth grade meet together in Room 2. In these Sunday School-like classes, children interact with teachers and their peers to learn about many of the same themes the adults are exploring in worship. The lectionary-based Seasons of the Spirit curriculum is designed to help children explore meaning and mystery in the Bible.

Staying for the Service

Children are always welcome to stay for the full worship service. If your child is interested in the full service or more comfortable with you, that is fine. We have activity bags that can be picked up outside the sanctuary. These bags contain crayons as well as paper, activities, and toys for your child. We understand that babies and young children make noise and that they may need to nurse or have a snack. Some parents find it easier to walk or sit with young children in the narthex, where they can still see and hear the service.

Resources from Seasons of the Spirit:
The Ministry of Children
Being with Children in Worship
Welcome to Worship (for children)

Want to volunteer to work with our children?

All volunteers who work with children and youth are required to complete a screening process that includes a criminal background check. Volunteers renew their applications every three years. We also review our Youth Protection Policy with all volunteers. If you’d like to work with our children, please download an application form and turn it in to the church office.