Poverty, by America” Book Read
First United will offer a reading group focusing on Matthew Desmond’s “Poverty, by America” as a part of the Bloomington Multifaith Alliance Faith for Racial Equity book read. The group will begin meeting via Zoom (click here to join) this Thursday, August 3rd at 12pm-1pm; participants should read the book’s Prologue and come prepared to discuss their thoughts. The rest of the schedule is as follows: August 3rd (Prologue) and 17th (Chapters 1 & 2—The Kind of Problem Poverty Is & Why Haven’t We Made More Progress?); September 7th (Chapters 3 & 4—How We Undercut Workers & How We Force the Poor to Pay More) and 21st (Chapters 5 & 6—How We Rely on Welfare & Howe We Buy Opportunity); and October 5th (Chapters 7 & 8—Invest in Ending Poverty & Empower the Poor) and 19th (Chapter 9—Tear Down the Walls & Epilogue). Contact Pastor Jessica if you are interested. Does this time not work for you? Multiple faith communities will also offer reading/discussion groups; see below in “Educational Offerings” for more info.