First United members and friends are invited to engaging in Flight 1 of Living the Questions 2.0 throughout the season of Easter (Did you know Easter is more than a Sunday, but a season? Now you do!). All those interested in engaging in the seven-week study are invited to gather in Roger Williams Hall on Tuesday evenings, 6pm-7:30pm beginning Tuesday, April 19th (final session May 31st). Living the Questions 2.0 (LtQ2) is an open-minded alternative to studies that attempt to give participants all the answers and instead strives to create an environment where participants can interact with one another in exploring what’s next for Christianity and features insights from such theologians as Nancy Ammerman, John Bell, Marcus Borg, Rita Nakashima Brock, Minerva Carcaño, John Cobb, John Dominic Crossan, Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Yvette Flunder, James Forbes, Matthew Fox, Hans Kung, Amy-Jill Levine, Brian McLaren, Robin Meyers, Helen Prejean, Barbara Rossing, Tex Sample, John Shelby Spong, Emilie Townes, Winnie Varghese, and Mel White. LtQ2 seeks not to provide easy answers, but to be a resource for people who are in the midst of a life-long conversation about the mysteries of faith and life.
Through our exploration of LtQ2’s first flight “Invitation to Journey,” participants will engage in sessions focused on the following topics: 1) An Invitation to Journey, 2) Taking the Bible Seriously, 3) Thinking Theologically, 4) Stories of Creation, 5) Lives of Jesus, 6) A Passion for Christ: Paul, and 7) Out into the World: Challenges Facing Progressive Christians. Each in-person gathering will included the viewing of 20-minute video segments during which contributing theologians will speak to the selected topic with regular breaks for conversation. Additionally, participants will be provided with reading materials to consider prior to each weekly meeting. Please contact Pastor Jessica if you are interested in participating in this exploration and questioning of faith.